
Real Estate Economics >> Content Detail

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

Lecture note slideshows are available for each week of this course.

11The Real Estate Sector: The Capital and Property Markets (PDF)

1. Review of Economic Concepts
2Micro and Macro Economic Analysis
23Location and Rents: The Indifference Principle, Submarkets and Land Use Segregation (PDF)
4Urban Growth, Rents and Prices
35The Highest Use for Residential Development (PDF)

Location, Land Use and Density
6Land Use Transition between Land Uses (Gentrification)
47Historical Development and Changing Technology (PDF)

Transportation, and Shipping Costs

Tax and Public Policy Effects
58The Office Market, and the Labor Market (PDF)
9Theories of Multiple Centered Cities

1. Agglomeration and Clustering

2. The Commercial Land Market
610Retail Travel Patterns and the Distribution of Stores (PDF)

Pricing and Spatial Competition
11Shopping Centers and Store Clustering
Midterm Exam
712Property Taxes, Public Expenditure, and Local Services, Community Choice, "Capitalization", and Income Segregation (PDF)
13The Fiscal Incentives for Land Use Regulation
814Public Goods and "Neighborhood" Effects (PDF)

Internalizing External Effects through Government or Contracts
15Congestion, Transportation Infrastructure and Planning Development
916Units, Households and Tenure Choice (PDF)

1. Demographic Influences
17Housing Appreciation, Mortgages and the Cost of Owning
1018The Operation of Non-residential Markets (PDF)

1. Vacancy, Absorption, and Market Frictions

2. Leasing, Tenure, and Tenant "Synergy"
1119Long Term Trends in Space Usage and Demand

Herd Behavior and Development "Games"
20The Time-series Properties of Housing and Commercial Space Markets (PDF)
1221Stock-flow Theory and Real Estate Cycles
22Expectations, Information, and "Efficient Markets"

The Issue: Can markets be forecast?
1323The Determinants of Metropolitan Growth (PDF)

1. Export Demand and Industrial Development

2. Birth Rates, Migration and Wages
24A Model Analyzing Metropolitan Growth

1. Demand, and Supply Shocks, Real Estate, and the Cost of Living
Final Exam


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