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Study Materials


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Readings are also listed by session.

Required Books

Amazon logo Rodrik, Dani. Has globalization gone too far? Washington, DC: Institute of International Economics, 1997. ISBN: 9780881322415.

Amazon logo Sen, Amartya Kumar. Development as freedom. New York, NY: Knopf, 1999. ISBN: 9780375406195.

Readings by Session

1Introduction: Globalization: Promise or Peril for Labor in Developing Countries?Required Readings

Amazon logo Rodrik, Dani. Has globalization gone too far? Washington, DC: Institute of International Economics, 1997. ISBN: 9780881322415.

Recommended Readings

Collier, Paul, and David Dollar. Globalization, Growth and Poverty: Building an Inclusive World Economy. New York, NY: Oxford University Press; Washington, DC: World Bank, December 2001. ISBN: 082135048. (Entire article.)

Setrini, Gustavo. "Wages in the Apparel Industry; What Constitutes a Decent Standard?" An MIT Case, July 2005.

Amengual, Matthew. "Work Hours, Overtime, and Codes of Conduct." An MIT Case, July 2005.
2Broadening the Debate: Labor and DevelopmentRequired Readings

Amazon logo Sen, Amartya Kumar. Development as freedom. New York, NY: Knopf, 1999. ISBN: 9780375406195.
3What kind of Development?: Global Value Chains and (vs.) Local DevelopmentRequired Readings

Amazon logo Nadvi, Khalid. "The Effect of Global Standards on Local producers: A Pakistani Case Study." University of Sussex, 2003. Included in: Schmitz, Hubert, ed. Local Enterprises in the Global Economy: Issues of Governance and Upgrading. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2004, chapter 3. ISBN: 9781843760993.

Ver Beek, Kurt Alen. "Maquiladoras: Exploitation or Emancipation? An Overview of the Situation of Maquiladora Workers in Honduras." World Development 29, no. 9 (September 2001): 1553-1567.

Gereffi, Gary, John Humphrey, and Timothy Sturgeon. "The Governance of Global Value Chains." Review of International Political Economy (Revised November 4, 2003). (Forthcoming.)

Navas-Alemán, Lizbeth, and Luiza Bazan. "Local Implementation of Quality, Labour, and Environment Standards: Opportunities for Upgrading in the Footwear Industry." S.E.E.D. Working Paper 45, Geneva, International Labour Organization, 2003. ISBN: 9221142078.
4Trade, Development and StandardsRequired Readings

Bhagwati, Jagdish. "Trade Liberalization and 'Fair Trade' Demands: Addressing the Environmental and Labor Standard Issues." World Economy 18, no. 6 (November 1995): 745-15. ISSN: 03785920.

Rigged Rules and Double Standards: trade, globalization, and the fight against poverty. Oxfam International, 2002. pp. 1-271.

Recommended Readings

Brown, Dana L. "Challenges and Opportunities for the FLA in the post-MFA Period." An MIT Case, July 2005.
5The Debate Over Standards I: Market and Civil Society SolutionsRequired Readings

O'Rourke, Dara. "Outsourcing Regulation: Non-Governmental Systems of Labor Standards and Monitoring." Policy Studies Journal 31, no. 1 (2003): 1-29.

Elliott, Kimberly Ann, and Richard B. Freeman. "White Hats or Don Quixotes? Human Rights Vigilantes in the Global Economy." National Bureau of Economic Research Working paper 8102, January 2001.

Rodríguez-Garavito, César A. "Global Governance and Labor Rights: Codes of Conduce and Anti-Sweatshop Struggles in Global Apparel Factories in Mexico and Guatemala." Politics & Society 33, no. 2 (June 2005): 203-233.

Locke, Richard M., et al. "Does Monitoring Work?: Lessons from Nike." (To be distributed in class.)

Recommended Readings

Schrage, Elliot J. "Promoting International Worker Rights through Private Voluntary Initiatives: Public Relations or Public Policy?" University of Iowa Center for Human Rights, January 2004.

Amengual, Matthew, and Gustavo Setrini. "A Critical Look at Monitoring." An MIT Case, July 2005.
6The Debate Over Standards II: What Role for the State?Required Readings

Evans, Peter. "The Eclipse of the State?: Reflections on Stateness in an Era of Globalization." World Politics (October 1997): 62-87.

Schrank, Andrew. "Professionalization and Probity in the Predatory State: Labor Law Enforcement in the Dominican Republic." Working Paper. (Revisions underway.)

Piore, Michael. "Rethinking Mexico's Labor Standards in a Global Ecomomy." Working Paper, 2004.

Murillo, Victoria, and Andrew Schrank. "With a Little Help from My Friends: Partisan Politics, Transnational Alliances, and Labor Rights in Latin America." Comparative Political Studies 38, no. 8 (October 2005): 971-999.
7The "Other" Laborers: Workers in the Informal Sector and Immigrant EntrepreneursRequired Readings

Assaad, Ragui. "Formal and Informal Institutions in the Labor Market, with Applications to the Construction Sector in Egypt." World Development 21, no. 6 (1993): 925-939.

Portes, Alejandro. "The Social Origins of the Cuban Enclave Economy in Miami." Sociological Perspectives 30, no. 4 (October 1987): 340-372.

Amazon logo Capecchi, Vittorio. "The Informal Economy and the Development of Flexible Specialization in Emilia Romagna." The Informal Economy: Studies in Advanced and Less Developed Countries. Baltimore, MD; London, UK: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989, chapter 10, pp. 189-215. ISBN: 9780801837357.

Saxenian, AnnaLee. "Silicon Valley's New Immigrant Entrepreneurs." Public Policy Institute of California (September 1, 1999). (PDF)
8Possible Solutions? Workers into Entrepreneurs... Micro-credit and Local Economic DevelopmentRequired Readings

Jain, Pankaj, and Mick Moore. "What makes microcredit programmes effective? Fashionable fallacies and workable realities." Institute of Development Studies, IDS Working Paper 177, January 2003. ISBN: 1858644798.

Morduch, Jonathan. "The Microfincance Schism." World Development 28, no. 4 (April 2000): 617-629.

Mosley, Paul, and David Hulme. "Microenterprise finance: Is there a conflict between growth and poverty alleviation?" World Development 26, no. 5 (May 1998): 783-790.

Canales, Rodrigo. "Weaving Straw into Gold: Enhancing Microcredit impact through personal involvement." MIT Working Paper, 2005. (To be distributed in class.)
9Possible Solutions II: Global Justice and New Forms of Collaboration Between State and SocietyRequired Readings

Cohen, Joshua, and Charles Sable. "Extra Rempublicam Nulla Justitia?" DRAFT, June 2005. (To be distributed in class.)

Locke, Richard M. "Building Trust." Presented at Annual Meetings of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A., September 1, 2001.
10-12Student Presentations


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