
Brownfields Policy and Practice >> Content Detail



Students are required to complete two papers and an oral presentation.

Paper 1

Students should write 5-7 pages on a topic related to the material covered in the course. Consultation with the course instructor is strongly encouraged. The goal of Paper 1 is to allow the student to delve deeper into a particular aspect of the Brownfield issue.

Paper 2

Students should write 10-12 pages that build on the topic chosen for the first paper using in-class learning. Paper 2, and the associated oral presentation, will examine going-forward implications of that topic.

Student Work

Five students in the course worked together on a final project, a survey tool and recommendations that served the needs of a real client, the Economic Development and Industrial Corporation of Lynn, MA. The report is presented below. All work is courtesy of the students named and used with permission.

"A Survey of Lynn Stakeholders Regarding Potential Waterfront Redevelopment" - Luke Schray, Emmaia Gelman, Angela Meehan, Laura Machala, and Aaron Stelson (PDF)


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