
Community Growth and Land Use Planning >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


Part I: Fundamentals: Land use Planning, Regulation, and Growth Management
Week 1: Introduction
1Course Introduction
Week 2: Project Introduction and Start-up
2Community Planning Project Introduced
3Discussion of Client ProjectProject teams formed
Week 3: Planning for Growth and Zoning Controls
4Land use Planning and Regulation - An Overview
5Zoning Controls - The Basics
Week 4: Making a Plan: Where to Begin?
6Plan-making at the Community Level
7Imaging CentralvilleTeams present findings
Week 5: Visioning; The Growth Management System: Local and Regional Issues
8VisioningRon Mallis, a DUSP alumnus and Project Manager with Goody Clancy Associates, will discuss the challenge of facilitating and managing a public visioning process related to development of a plan
9The Growth Management System: Local and Regional IssuesDavid Soule, Associate Director, Center for Urban and Regional Policy at Northeastern University, and former Executive Director of the Metropolitan Area Planning Council, will join the class to discuss the city economic competitiveness issues, suburban-urban divide, and the challenge of regional planning amidst a strong "home rule" culture
Week 6: Zoning Innovations
10Zoning InnovationsPreliminary plan findings will be presented by project teams to our client and the public during week 6
Part II: Neighborhood Planning and Place-Making: Trends, Methods and Approaches
Week 7: Lowell Presentations
11Dry Run - Presentation to George
12Work Day - Evening Presentation at Lowell
Week 8: Neighborhood Planning: History and Future Directions / Community Design, Placemaking, Formbased Codes
13The Neighborhood Unit and Community Design
14Project Workshop DayMaggie Super, head of Groundworks Lawrence, will join the class to discuss innovate neighborhood economic development strategies
Part III: Planning and Designing Responsive Environments
Week 9: Traffic Calming, Street Design
15Street Design
16Traffic CalmingA Traffic Calming guru from VHB will join the class to speak about this topic
Week 10: Sprawl, The Strip, and Smart Development
17Thwarting Sprawl, Smart Growth, and the Evolution of Suburbia
Week 11: Linking Land use and Transportation
18The Mobility Challenge for Planning

Transit-Oriented and Infill Development
19Ecological Considerations
Part IV: Integration and Implementation
Week 12: Using Incentives for Plan Implementation
20More on Incentive-Based Techniques and Methods to Broaden Housing AffordabilityDrew Leff of GLC Development Resources in Boston will join the class to discuss this topic and its potential application to plans for Centralville
Week 13: Final Plan Recommendations and Implementation Strategies
21Project Workshop Day
22Client Meeting with Project TeamsFinal plan recommendations will be presented by student project teams to our client and the public during week 14.
Weeks 14 and 15: Final Project Preparation and Synthesis
23Project Workshop Day
24The Role of Planning and the Planner in Society: Class Wrap-up and Synthesis
25Submission of Final Plan ReportsWritten plans and reports due


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