
Law, Social Movements, and Public Policy: Comparative and International Experience >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


Part I: Theoretical Framework
2Social Movements, NGOs and Civil Society: How Are They Different?
3Social Movements and the State: How Do They Interact?
4Law, Social Movements and Public Policy: Changing Domestic Contexts
5Law, Social Movements and Public Policy: Changing Global Contexts
Part II: Domestic and Comparative Experience
6Legal and Social Change in the US: Contesting PerspectivesPaper assignment #1 handed out

Group Debate

Subject: "Public policy in the US is and should be primarily the result of legal measures. As such, social movement action must be targeted towards legal change".
7Environment as an Arena of Struggle

Paper assignment #1 due


Prof. Cary Coglianese, JFK School of Government, Harvard University
9Feminism and Women's Movements

Prof. Ann Withorn, U Mass, Boston
11Property, Poor Peoples' Movements and Social Justice
12Legal and Social Change in India: The Role of Mobilization and Activism
13Women's Rights v. Gender JusticePaper assignment #2 handed out

Prof. Jyoti Puri, Simmons College
Paper assignment #2 due
15Environmentalism of the Poor
16Contesting Development: The Movement in the Narmada Valley - A Case Study
17Screening a Movie, Kaise Jeebo Re (How do I Survive, My Friend) and Discussion Continued on the Narmada Valley Movement
18Civil Rights and Public Interest Litigation
Part III: Global Public Policy and Globalization from Below
19Beyond the State? Changing Contexts for Law-making and Application at the Global LevelGroup Debate

Subject: "International law can/should no longer be understood within the framework of states; rather, what counts as 'law' globally is what can be mobilized for by global civil society".
20The World Commission on Dams and the Struggle over Development
21Setting Global Environmental and Health Policy: The Case of Nuclear Weapons
22Peace and Security from BelowPaper assignment #3 handed out
23Global Economic Institutions and Resistance from the Margins: The World Bank and the IMFPaper assignment #3 due
24The World Trade Organization and the Meaning of Seattle
25Human Rights and Global Public Policy: Corporate Responsibility


Terry Collingsworth, Director, International Labor Rights Fund
26Conclusion and Review Class


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