
Special Seminar in Management The Nuts and Bolts of Business Plans >> Content Detail



Purpose of Course

The nuts and bolts of preparing a Business Plan will be explored in this 16th annual course offering. The course is open to members of the MIT Community and to others interested in entrepreneurship. It is particularly recommended for persons who are interested in starting or are involved in a new business. Because some of the speakers will be judges of the MIT $50K Entrepreneurship Competition, persons who are planning to enter the Competition should find the course particularly useful.

Time and Sessions

  • Monday through Thursday Sessions 1-4 and Tuesday through Thursday Sessions 5-7.

  • 6:00-9:00 pm.

  • Note: We have a lot to cover in the course and intend to start each session promptly at 6:00 pm. Our first order of business will involve logistics, schedule adjustments, etc. Please be on time or you may miss important information.

Academic Credit

  • MIT students may take this course for 3 units of Pass/Fail Credit.

  • Attendance at each session is required (unless otherwise approved) and the writing requirement must be fulfilled.


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