
Individuals, Groups, and Organizations >> Content Detail



The assignments required for this class are the following:

  1. Weekly memos (2-3 pages double spaced) relating to the reading of that week, due on the day of discussion. There are 12 weeks of readings, and there are 8 papers required. Students may choose which weeks to skip. The memos are worth 40% of the grade.
  2. A final seminar paper (10-15 pages) is due 7 days after Ses #13 and is worth 40% of the grade. This paper should develop a theory-driven, testable model of the student's choice. The paper should provide an introduction explaining the topic, its importance, prior research, and unanswered questions. Then present the theory and testable model to drive research on one or more unanswered questions identified above. Make sure the theory/model defines constructs and causal relations, and identify what the data would look like to confirm or disconfirm the theory.


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