
Cold War Science >> Content Detail



A book review (4-5 double-spaced pages) of one of the course books (see readings).

A research paper (25-35 double-spaced pages). Research papers should be based on original research, drawing on unpublished primary sources (archival, interviews, etc.) where appropriate, in addition to relevant secondary sources.

Titles of recent research papers from the course include:

"What is Operations Research?  A Study of the Science of Method and Madness in Britain and America"

"Overlooking the Past:  Werner Von Braun, the German V-2 Rocket Program, and American Missile Technology"

"Deep Experts:  Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems in the Cold War"

"Metallurgy at MIT during the Cold War"

"Operating Spaceship Earth: R. Buckminster Fuller's World Game and Planning for a Cold War Humanity"

"Astrophysics and Soviet Ideology"

"The Hidden Variables Interpretation and the two Cultures of Physicist David Bohm."


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