
Brains and Culture: Love, Lies & Neurotransmitters >> Content Detail

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Brains, Selves, Facts, Lives
2Personhood and KindsNelkin, Dorothy, and Laurence Tancredi. Dangerous Diagnostics: The Social Power of Biological Information. Preface and chap. 1.

Foucault, Michael. "The Dangerous Individual."

Hacking, Ian. "Making Up People."

Begley, Sharon. "Why The Young Kill." Newsweek.

Taylor, Charles. "The Person." In Category of the Person.

Mauss, Marcel. "A Category of the Human Mind." (Recommended)
Essay and Online Readings (PDF)
3Some Brain Kinds

LeVay, Simon. "A Difference in Hypothalamic Structure..."

LeVay, Simon. Queer Science. Selections.

Marshall, Eliot. "When Does Intellectual Passion Become Conflict of Interest?"

"Biology and Homosexuality." Letters to Science.

Fausto-Sterling, Anne. Sexing the Body. Selections.

Vines, Gail. Raging hormones. Selections.

Kopytoff. "The Cultural Biography of Things." In Social Life of Objects.

Nelkin, Dorothy, and Laurence Tancredi. Dangerous Diagnostics. Chap. 2 and 3.

Appadurai, Arjun, ed. Social Life of Objects. (Recommended)

Mental Illness
4ADHD and Self-HelpDiller, Lawrence. Running on Ritalin. Selections.

Kramer, Peter. Listening to Prozac. Introduction, chap. 1, 3-6, 9 and the afterward.

Nelkin, Dorothy, and Laurence Tancredi. Dangerous Diagnostics. Chap. 6: "Schools."

Self-Help Sites.
Online Readings (PDF)

Psychiatry - Pharma - Political Economy

Healy, David. The Creation of Psychopharmacology. Chap. 8: "Democracy."

Donald, Alistair. "The Wal-Marting of American Psychiatry."

Cohen, Lawrence. No Aging in India. Selections.
6Assignment 1 Due
7Fighting for the Brain

Kutchins, Herb, and Stuart Kirk. Making Us Crazy. Selections.

Grove - Testing.

Martin, Emily. "Premenstrual Syndrome, Work Discipline, and Anger."

Activism Online.

Melucci, Alberto. Challenging Codes. Selections.

Nelkin, Dorothy, and Laurence Tancredi. Dangerous Diagnostics. Chap. 8: "Control."

Downey, Gary Lee, Joseph Dumit, and Sharon Traweek. "Corridor Talk." In Cyborgs & Citadels.

Dumit, Joseph. "When Explanations Rest."

Online Readings and Question Preparation (PDF)
Cultures of Studying the Brain
8How do We Study the Brain/PersonRamachandran, V. S., and Sandra Blakeslee. Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind. Preface and chap. 1-3

Star, Susan Leigh. Regions of the Mind: Brain Research and the Quest for Scientific Certainty.


Danziger, Kurt. Constructing the Subject: Historical Origins of Psychological Research.

Gergen, Kenneth. "Metaphor, Metatheory, and the Social World."

Pribram, Karl. "From Metaphors to Models."
Readings (PDF)
9Cognitive Science

Kagan, Jerome. "Born To Be Shy."

McEwen, Bruce. "Stress and the Brain."

LeDoux, Joseph. "Power of Emotions."

Roediger, H. L. "Memory Metaphors in Cognitive Psychology."

Gazzaniga, Michael S., ed. Conversations in the Cognitive Neurosciences. Chap. 3, 5 and 6. Interviews with Posner, Gallistel, and Tulving (on attention and memory)

Ramachandran, V. S. "Capgras Syndrome." (The case seen in the video)

Readings and Related Questions (PDF)
10Civilizations of the BrainVideo: Ramachandran V. S.

Kuriyama, Peter. The Expressiveness of the Body. Preface and chap. 1 and 5.

Ramachandran, V. S., and Sandra Blakeslee. "God and the Limbic System." Chap. 9 in Phantoms in the Brain.

Turner, Victor. "Body, Brain, and Culture." In The Anthropology of Performance.
Readings and Related Questions (PDF)
11Thinking Through the "Brain

Wilson, Elizabeth A. Neural Geographies. Especially chap. 2.


McCulloch, W.S., et al. "Two Remarks on the Visual System of the Frog."

McCulloch, W.S., et al. "What the Frog's Eye Tells the Frog's Brain."

Ramachandran, V. S. Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Brain. Chap. 7.

Readings and Related Questions (PDF)
Visualizing the Brain
12Assignment 2 Due
13Brain Imaging


Web Examples.


Visual Rhetoric Papers.

osner, Michael I., and Marcus E. Raichle. Images of Mind. Chap. 1, 3, 8 and 9.

Readings, Website and Related Questions (PDF)
15Assignment 3 Due
16Flow Charts in the BrainShallice, Tim. From Neuropsychology to Mental Structure. Selections.

Gerson, Elihu M. and Susan Leigh Star. "Analyzing Due Process in the Workplace."
Online Research (PDF)



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