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1Introduction to Course
2Concepts of National Security Policy (PDF)
  • Van Tassel, "Introduction," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp.3-7.
  • Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, "What is American Defense Policy?," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 8-17.
  • Robert Art, "To What Ends Military Power?," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 17-25.
  • Donald Snow, "National Security in a World of Tiers," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 44-53.
  • Peter Peterson and James Sebenius, "The Primacy of the Domestic Agenda," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 54-62.
  • John Gerard Ruggie, "The Past as Prologue? Interests, Identity, and American Foreign Policy, "International Security 21.4 (Spring), pp. 89-125.
  • Ernest May, "National Security in American History," Chapter 3 in Graham Allison and Gregory Treverton, Rethinking America’s Security.
3Special Sessions: The Attacks of September 11th & American National Security (PDF)
  • National Commission on Terrorism, Countering the Changing Threat, 2000. (online)
  • U.S. State Department, Patterns of Global Terrorism 2001, 2002. (online)
  • Boston Globe article on the CIA(online)
4Analyzing National Security Policy (PDF)
  • William Clinton, "Advancing Our Interests through Engagement & Enlargement," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 284-297.
  • John Shalikashvili, "The National Military Strategy of the USA," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 298-310.
  • Charles Nelson, "Keeping the Edge," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 206-212.
  • National Security Policy of the United States, 2002. (PDF)
5Analyzing National Security Policy (PDF)
  • Peter Hays, "Introduction to Part II," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 63-71.
  • Graham Allison, and Halperin, Morton, "Bureaucratic Politics: A Paradigm," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 25-32.
  • Robert Art, "A Critique of Bureaucratic Politics," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 33-42.
  • Ole Holsti, "Crisis, Stress, and Decision Making," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 248-257.
  • Iriving Janis, "The Groupthink Syndrome," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 262-276.
  • Robert Jervis, "Hypotheses on Misperception," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 262-276.
6The President & Congress in National Security Policymaking (PDF)
  • Richard Neustadt, "The President's Power to Pursuade," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 73-80.
  • James Lindsay, "Congress & Defense Policy," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 81-92.
  • Linda Jamison, "Executive-Legislative Relations After the Cold War," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 93-100.
  • John Tower, Brent Scowcroft, & Edmund Muskie, "Organizing for National Security," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 185-188.
  • The War Powers Resolution 1973. (PDF)
7The National Security Bureaucracy (PDF)
  • James Schlesenger, "The Office of the Secretary of Defense," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 101-108.
  • Carl Builder, "Service Identities & Behavior," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 108-121.
  • Vincent Davis, "Defense Reorganization and National Security," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 122-130.
  • Paula Scalingi, "U.S. Intelligence in and Age of Uncertainty," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 131-137.
  • Dave McCurdy, "Glasnost for the CIA," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 138-142.
  • Commission on the Roles and Capabilities of the U.S. Intelligence Community, "Preparing for the 21st Century," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 143-150.
8Interest Groups, the Media, and the Public in National Security Policy (PDF)
  • Gordon Adams, "The Business of Defense," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 151-159.
  • Richard Halloran, "Soldiers and Scribblers: A Common Mission," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 160-169.
  • Catherine Kelleher, "Presidents, Polls, and the Use of Force," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 170-180.
First Paper Due in Class. (PDF)
National Secutiry Policy as History
9The Beginning of the Cold War: 1945-1952(1) (PDF)
  • Gaddis, Chapters 1-3, Strategies of Containment.
  • Winston Churchill, "Iron Curtain Speech," The Times of London, March 6, 1946, 4.
  • X, "Sources of Soviet Conduct", in Foreign Affairs, July 1947, pp. 566-582.
  • Thomas J. Christensen, "Moderate Strategies and Crusading Rhetoric: Truman Mobilizes for a Bipolar World", Useful Adversaries: Grand Strategy, Domestic Mobilization, and Sino-American Conflict, 1947-1958, Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, pp. 32-76.
10The Beginning of the Cold War: 1945-1952(2) (PDF)
  • Gaddis, Chapters 1-3, Strategies of Containment.
  • NSC-68; source1 or source2. (online)
11 & 12American Remilitarizes 1952-1959 (PDF)
  • Gaddis, Strategies of Containment.
  • John Foster Dulles, "Massive Retaliation". (online)
  • Halperin, "Organizational Interests," Chapter 3 in Bureaucratic Politics & Foreign Policy, Brookings Institution.
Re-Write of First Paper Due in Class. (PDF)
13 & 14America Remilitarizes Again! 1960-1968 (PDF - 1.1 MB)
  • Gaddis, Chapter 7, Strategies of Containment.
  • Alain Enthoven and Wayne Smith, "New Concepts and New Tools to Shape the Defense Program," in Richard Head and Ervin Rokke, American Defense Policy, pp. 349-358.
  • "The ABCs of PPBS," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 228-233.
  • Robert Kennedy, Thirteen Days.
  • Graham T. Allison, "Conceptual Models and the Cuban Missile Crisis," American Political Science Review, September 1969, pp. 689-718.
  • Morton Halperin, "The Decision to Deploy the ABM: Bureaucratic and Domestic Politics in the Johnson Administration," in Richard Head and Ervin Rokke, American Defense Policy, pp. 466-486.
  • Robert McNamara, "The No-Cities Doctrine," in The Uses of Force, pp. 148-149.
15Vietnam & Strategic Superiority: 1965-1968 (PDF)
  • Gaddis, Chapter 7, Strategies of Containment.
  • FBI, Racial Violence Potential in the US this Summer [classified memo], 1967.
  • James C. Jr. Thompson, "How Could Vietnam Happen? An Autopsy," in The Atlantic Monthly, April 1968, pp. 41-53.
  • Leslie Gelb and Richard Betts, The Irony of Vietnam: The System Worked.
  • Lyndon Johnson, "Vietnam," Chapters 6 and 11 in The Vantage Point.
16 & 17The Nixon Years: 1969-1974 (PDF - 1.1 MB)
  • Gaddis, Chapters 9 & 10, Strategies of Containment.
  • Sanders Sol and William Henderson, "The Consequences of ‘Vietnam," Orbis 21.1, pp. 61-76.
  • N-I-E 11-4-78 Soviet Goals and Expectations in the Global Power Arena. (PDF)
  • Sino-Soviet Conflict (source material). (online)
  • Raymond Garthoff, "Opening an Era of Negotiation: SALT I, 1969-72," chapter 5 in Détente and Confrontation.
  • Z. Brzezinski, Power and Principle.
  • Al Haig, Caveat, 1984.
  • James Kurth, "A Widening Gyre: The Logic of American Weapons Procurement," Public Policy, Vol. 19, No. 3 (Summer), pp. 373-404.
18The Ford, and Carter Years: 1969-1979 (PDF - 1 MB)
  • Gaddis, Chapter 11, Strategies of Containment.
  • Z. Brzezinski, Power and Principle.
Second Paper Due in Class. (PDF)
19America Remilitarizes Yet Again! (deja vu): 1980-1992 (1) (PDF - 1 MB)
  • Barry Posen and Steve Van Evera, "Defense Policy and the Reagan Administration: Departure from Containment," International Security, Vol. 8, No.1 (Summer 1983), pp. 3-45.
  • Reagan SDI Speech, 1982. (PDF)
  • N-I-E 11-4-82 Soviet Goals and Expectations in the Global Power Arena. (PDF)
  • Strobe Talbott, "SDI During the Reagan Years," Chapter 2 in Joseph S. Nye, Jr. and James Shear, On the Defensive? The Future of SDI.
  • Lieut., USN Res. David R. Hall, "The Constitution and Presidential War Making against Libya," in Naval War College Review, vol. XLII, no. 3, Summer 1989, pp. 30-45.
  • Lars-Erik Nelson, "Fantasia," The New York Review of Books, May 11, 2001. (online)
20Managing the End of the Soviet Union -- The Bush (I)Administration: 1989-1992 (PDF)
  • Nick Kotz, "Wild Blue Yonder," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 213-226.
  • John Tower, Brent Scowcroft, and Edmund Muskie, "The Iran-Contra Affair," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 189-203.
  • Janice Stein, "Deterrence & Compellence in the Gulf War," in International Security, Vol. 17, Fall 1992, pp. 147-179.
  • Lawrence Freedman and Efraim Karsh, "How Kuwait was Won: Strategy in the Gulf War," in International Security, Vol. 16, No. 2, Fall 1991, pp. 5-41.
Basking in the Post-Cold War Sunshine 1992-2000
21The Clinton Adminstration: 1993-2000 (PDF)
  • Vallance, "Introduction," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 503-506.
  • William Clinton, "Integrated Regional Approaches," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 508-513.
  • Ronald Montaperto, "Asia Pacific," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 514-522.
  • James Morrison, "Europe," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 523-533.
  • James Brustar, "Russia and Neighbors," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 534--542.
  • Jed Snyder, "Greater Middle East," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 543-554.
  • Barry Posen and Andrew L. Ross, "Competing Visions for U.S. Grand Strategy," in International Security, Vol. 21, Winter 1996/97, pp. 5-53.
  • Eugene Gholz, Daryl Press and Harvey Sapolsky, "Come Home, America: The Strategy of Restraint in the Face of Temptation," in International Security, vol. 21, no.4, Spring 1997: pp. 5-48.
  • Joseph S. Jr. Nye, "The Case for Deep Engagement," in Foreign Affairs 74.4, Jul/Aug 1995: pp. 90-102.
22Terrorism & Technological Threats: Weapons of Mass Destruction
  • Marc Dean Millot, "Facing the Emerging Reality of Regional Nuclear Adversaries," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 453-470.
  • Homeland Security Strategy, 2002. (PDF - 2.6 MB)
  • TIPS Fact Sheet. (online)
  • "Planned Volunteer Informant Corps Elicits 1984 Fears," in Washington Times, July 16, 2002.
  • Steven Simon, and Daniel Benjamin, "America & the New Terrorism," in Survival, Vol. 42, No.1, Spring 2000, pp. 59-75.
23 & 24Solutions I -- Nuclear Weapons (PDF)
  • James Schlesinger, "The Impact of Nuclear Weapons on History," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 312-315.
  • Roger Molander and Peter Wilson, "On Dealing with the Prospect of Nuclear Chaos," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 316-328.
  • Charles Allan, "Extended Conventional Deterrence," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 329-348.
  • John Deutch, "National Missile Defense: Is there another way?", in Foreign Policy Magazine, 2000 [online].
25Third Paper Due (PDF)
26Solutions II -- Conventional Forces
  • Donald Rice, "Global Reach -- Global Power," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 350-356.
  • Sheila Widnall and Ronald Fogelman, "Global Presence, "in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 357-359.
  • Eliot Cohen, "The Mystique of Airpower," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 360-365.
  • John Dalton, "Forward...From the Sea," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 366-368.
  • Jan Breemer, "The End of Naval Strategy," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 369-379.
  • Ike Skelton, "Joint and Combined Operations," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 380-386.
  • Carl Stiner, "US Special Operations Forces," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 388-392.
  • Samuel Huntington, "New Contingencies, Old Roles," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 393-396.
  • Sam Nunn, "Domestic Missions for the Armed Forces," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 397-400.
  • William Lewis, "Peacekeeping: The Deepening Debate," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 401-405.
  •  Sarah Seewall, "Peace Operations: A Department of Defense Perspective," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 406-416.
27Arms Control & Diplomacy
  • Gregory Rattray, "Introduction to Arms Control," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 418-422.
  • Kerry Kartchner, "The Objectives of Arms Control," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 423-429.
  • Jeffrey Larsen and Gregory Tattray, "Existing Arms Control Treaties," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 430-441.
  • Jeffrey Larsen and Gregory Tattray, "Ongoing Arms Control Negotiations," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 442-445.
  • Heather Wilson, "Missed Opportunities: Washington Politics & Nuclear Proliferation," in Hays, Vallance, & Van Tassel, American Defense Policy, pp. 446-452.