
Computational Design I: Theory and Applications >> Content Detail

Study Materials


2Basic Concepts

Shape Representation

Shape Arithmetic

Shape Rules
Knight, Terry. "Shape Grammars in Education and Practice: History and Prospects."
3Basic Concepts (cont.)

Rule Application: Nondeterminism, Emergence, Labeling

Parametric Design and Grammars
4Style and Analysis

"The Immediacy of the Artist's Mark in Computation" - Guest Lecture, Jacquelyn Martino
Sims, Karl. "Artificial Evolution for Computer Graphics." Computer Graphics 25, no. 4 (July 1991).

Cohen, Harold. "The Further Exploits of Aaron, Painter." Stanford Humanities Review.

———. AARON: Genetics and Culture.

———. AARON: A Product of Kurzweil CyberArt Technologies.
5Style and Analysis (cont.)

Inference Problem

Decomposition and Meaning

Examples: Ice Rays, Palladio
Stiny, George, and William Mitchell. "The Palladian Grammar." Environment and Planning B 5 (1978): 5-18.

Stiny, George. "Ice-ray: A Note on the Generation of Chinese Lattice Designs." Environment and Planning B 4 (1977): 89-98.
6Assignment 4 Review

Student Presentations of their Assignments
7Creative Design

Basic Grammars
8Creative Design (cont.)

Beyond Basic Grammars
9Creative Design (cont.)

Shaper2D Computer Program

Nondeterministic Shaper2D Computer Program
10Creative Design (cont.)

Shaper3D Computer Program

Design Project Examples
11Emergence and Predictability
12Final Project Review


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