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This section contains the topics for the three papers assigned in the course. Students are permitted to write on other topics, as long as the topic is approved by the professor or TA first. Papers should be 6-8 pages (roughly 2000 words) in length.

Topics for Paper 1

The first version is due 2 days after Lec #7. Rewrite is due 2 days after Lec #11.

  1. Critically assess Mill's utilitarian defense of freedom of speech (in On Liberty, especially chapter 2). Be sure to address at the least the following three issues:
    • What reasons does Mill give for protecting freedom of speech?
    • How (if at all) do those reasons connect to his utilitarianism, with its distinction between high and lower quality pleasures;
    • Do you find his arguments for freedom of speech compelling?
  2. Suppose that Supreme Court justices were to use the principle of utility, not the Constitution, in evaluating laws that regulate sexual conduct on grounds of its immorality or laws that restrict religious liberty. Would the principle of utility permit such laws? Or would it condemn the laws? In answering these questions, you should discuss either Bentham's and Mill's formulation of utilitarianism. You may focus principally on religious liberty or sexual liberty, but you must say something about both.

Topics for Paper 2

The first version is due on Lec #15. Rewrite is due on Lec #18.

  1. Nozick says that "liberty upsets patterns" (pp. 160ff.). Critically assess this claim. Be sure to:
    • Explain what the quoted phrase means? (Be sure to explain what Nozick means by "liberty" and by "patterns.")
    • Explain how the argument that liberty upsets patterns fits into his view of the minimal state?
    • Explain whether Nozick is right that liberty upsets patterns? If not, why not?
    • If Nozick is right, then discuss whether such "upsetting" of patterns provides a sound reason for rejecting patterns?
  2. Provide a libertarian assessment of the arguments in San Antonio about public funding for education. Be sure to discuss:
    • Marshall's reasons for rejecting that decision (the idea of an equal start in life);
    • The majority idea that there may be a right to a minimum threshold of education for all; and
    • How a libertarian would respond to (i) and (ii). Is there a libertarian case for a universal right to an adequate education? (Be sure, in addressing this last question, to consider Freidman's discussion of education.)
  3. In chapter 10 of Capitalism and Freedom, Friedman discusses a view that he calls the "capitalist ethic." Explain why Friedman endorses that view instead of the view that he calls "equality of treatment." Be sure to explain specifically what he means by the "capitalist ethic" and by "equality of treatment". Do you find his reasoning persuasive?

Topics for Paper 3

The rewrite on this paper is optional. If you plan to rewrite, you must make an arrangement with your TA on timing. Final version is due on Lec #26.

  1. Evaluate Rawls' arguments for his conception of Democratic Equality. You may focus either on the informal argument (and the contrasts with Natural Liberty and Liberal Equality) or the original position argument. Be sure to address at least the following issues:
    • What does Rawls mean when he says that natural abilities and social background are morally irrelevant?
    • How is that irrelevance reflected in the difference principle;
    • Is the difference principle a reasonable standard of fair distribution? (You may want to discuss the G. A. Cohen argument about incentive inequalities in addressing this question.)
  2. Discuss affirmative action, campaign finance, abortion rights, health insurance, or Okin's critical account of group rights in light of Dworkin's two principles of equal importance and special responsibility. Be sure to address at least the following issues:
    • Are Dworkin's principles plausible?
    • Is there a way to address the issue of affirmative action (or campaign finance, or abortion, or group rights for cultural minorities) that accommodates both principles?

Sample Student Papers

All work is courtesy of the students named and used with permission.

"The Injustice of Affirmative Action" by Ali Wyne (PDF)

"Libertarianism" by Adrienne Bolger (PDF)

"Liberty and Patterns" by David Nackoul (PDF)

"Rawls" by Bronwyn Edwards (PDF)

"An Evaluation of the Rawlsian Theory of Justice" by Advay Mengle (PDF)

"Justice by Mill" by Julia Zimmerman (PDF)

"Not Quite" by Julia Zimmerman (PDF)

"Rejecting Patterns" by Julia Zimmerman (PDF)


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