
Strong Interactions: Effective Field Theories of QCD >> Content Detail



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The homework assignments are due in the lecture sessions mentioned in the table below.

Lec #topicsassignments
6Matching with Massive Electrons, Right Handed Neutrinos, X-DecayHomework 1 (PDF)
8Field Redefinitions, Running Quark Masses and RenormalonsHomework 2 (PDF)
10Mixing and 4-quark Operators, Electric Dipole Moments in the Standard Model, Operators for bHomework 3 (PDF)
12Chiral Perturbation Theory and Decay ConstantsHomework 4 (PDF)
14HQET for Antiquarks, Heavy-to-Light Form Factors in HQETHomework 5 (PDF)
18Renormalization of cF (µ), Heavy-to-Light Currents in HQET, OPE for BXcenu.Homework 6 (PDF)
22One-loop Exact β-function in NN EFT, Deuteron Electromagnetic Form Factor, Counting Operators with Group TheoryHomework 7 (PDF)
27Non-Relativistic QCD at the ILC, SCET Operators with Collinear Quarks, Decoupling of Ultrasoft Gluons in SCETI, Decoupling of Soft and Collinear Gluons in SCETII, Pion Light-Cone Distribution FunctionHomework 8-9 (PDF)

The following table lists the problem sets used when this course was taught in Spring 2003. Some of the old problems were not re-used, because the emphasis on various topics had changed.

Muon Decay Rate, Matching with Massive Electrons, Right Handed NeutrinosProblem Set 1 (PDF)
Field Redefinitions, Quark Masses and Renormalons, b and QCD Equations of MotionProblem Set 2 (PDF)
Mixing and 4-Quark Operators, Dimension 6 Operators and Short and Long Distance Contributions, CP Violation in BππProblem Set 3 (PDF)
HQET for Antiquarks, Heavy-to-Light Form Factors in HQETProblem Set 4 (PDF)
Renormalization of cF(µ), Heavy-to-Light Currents in HQET, Non-Perturbative Form Factor CorrectionsProblem Set 5 (PDF)#
Operator Product ExpansionProblem Set 6 (PDF)
Chiral Perturbation Theory and Decay ConstantsProblem Set 7 (PDF)
Heavy Meson Chiral Perturbation Theory, Form Factors in D Kπeν, Chiral Lagrangian for Heavy Vector MesonsProblem Set 8 (PDF)
t-tbar Production near Threshold, Multipole Expansion of Ultrasoft GluonsProblem Set 9 (PDF)


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