
String Theory for Undergraduates >> Content Detail



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There will be weekly homework. No late homework will be accepted. Students will be able to drop one homework - the one with the lowest grade - from their record. Some of the assignments refer to problems from the textbook:

Amazon logo Zwiebach, Barton. A First Course in String Theory. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2004. ISBN: 9780521831437.

In the following table, assignments are listed by due date.

3Homework 1 (PDF)
5Homework 2 (PDF)
7Homework 3 (PDF)
9Homework 4 (PDF)
10Homework 5 (PDF)
12Homework 6 (PDF)
14Homework 7 (PDF)
17Homework 8 (PDF)
18Homework 9 (PDF)
20Homework 10 (PDF)
24Homework 11 (PDF)


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