
Experimental Physics I & II "Junior Lab" >> Content Detail

Study Materials

Study Materials

Special software is required to use some of the files in this section: .m and .dat. This section contains documents created from scanned original files and other documents that could not be made accessible to screen reader software. A "#" symbol is used to denote such documents.

Data Analysis

Fall 2007

Timeline of Modern Physics (PDF)

Primer on Errors (PDF)

Statistics Assignment (PDF)

Spring 2008

Data Analysis Lecture (PDF)

Data Fitting Exercise (PDF)

lineshape1.txt (TXT)

lineshapedata.txt (TXT)


MATLAB® Fitting Quickstart Guide (PDF)

MATLAB® Fitting Template Script

fittemplate08.m (M)

fitlin.m (M)

levmar.m (M)

gradsearch.m (M)

gauss3.dat (DAT)

bev81.txt (TXT)

NIST Statistical Data Sets

MATLAB® Examples for Inspiration

axisproperties.m (M) - Demonstrates various axis and grid options in figures

antenna.m (M) - Models the irradiance pattern of the 21 cm radio telecscope

subplots.m (M) - Demonstrates the use of the 'subplot' command for efficient display of raw data sets

simpoisson.m (M) - Basic generation of Poisson distributed populations

singleslit.m (M) - Modeling single slit diffraction of a HeNe laser

doubleslit.m (M) - Models double slit diffraction

planck.m (M) - Calculates the spectral irradiance from a Black Body using the Planck Radiation Law

maxboltz.m (M) - Calculates the Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution of Thermal Neutron Velocities

expdecay.m (M) - Generates a noisy exponentially decaying dataset for testing non-linear fitting routines

xyerrorbars.m (M) - Demonstrates how to create plots with both x and y error bars

Numerical Recipes in C

The Wolfram Integrator - Enter any function and it computes the result

Written Summaries

Sample Paper

Physical Review Style and Notation Guide

MIT Online Writing and Communication Center (Note: Services not available to OCW users, only to registered MIT students.)

Author Information for all APS Journals

Journal Title Abbreviations for Bibliographies and Citations

Editorial Policies for AIP and Member Society Journals (PDF)#

REVTeX 4 Home Page

Oral Presentations

Junior Lab Presentation Template (PDF)

Beamer Users Guide for Presentation Slides (PDF)#

Using LaTeX in PowerPoint

APS Guidelines for Speakers

8.13 Evaluation Form (PDF)

8.14 Evaluation Form (PDF)


LaTeX Symbols

Creating a PDF Document using PDFLaTeX

Other LaTeX Related Information

LaTeX Editors

For Windows: WinEdt
For Mac: TexShop, TexMaker
For Linux: Kile (KDE)

Additional Computing Resources

Ghostscript (A PostScript Interpreter)
GSView (A PS Viewer for Windows)
Asymptote (A vector based drawing language)


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