
Physics III: Vibrations and Waves >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


The calendar below provides information on the course's lecture (L) and exams (E) sessions.

SES #TOPICS                     KEY DATES
L1Periodic Phenomena (Oscillations, Waves) - SHO - Complex Notation - Differential Equations - Physical Pendulum
L2Beats - Damped Free Oscillations (Under- Over- and Critically Damped) - Quality Q
L3Forced Oscillations with DampingProblem set 1 due one day after lecture 3
L4Forced Oscillations - Power at Resonance (Resonance Absorption, Resonance Width, Quality Q) - Transient Phenomena (General Solutions including Initial Conditions)
L5Coupled OscillatorsProblem set 2 due one day after lecture 5

Driven Coupled Oscillators - Triple Pendulum - Steady State and Transient Solutions - Cramer's Rule

(See the lecture notes: Analysis of Triple Pendulum)

L7Many Coupled Oscillators - Wave Equation - Transverse Traveling Pulses and WavesProblem set 3 due one day after lecture 7
L8Traveling Waves - Boundary Conditions - Standing Waves - Sound (Longitudinal Waves) - Energy in Waves
L9Musical Instruments - Sound Cavities - Normal ModesProblem set 4 due one day after lecture 9
L10Exam 1 Review
E1Exam 1 covering all material through Problem Set 4
L11Fourier Analysis - Time Evolution of Pulses on Strings
L12Dispersion - Phase Velocity - Group VelocityProblem set 5 due one day after lecture 12
L13Electromagnetic Waves - Plane Wave Solutions to Maxwell's Equations - Polarization - Malus' Law
L14Accelerated Charges - Poynting Vector - Power - Rayleigh Scattering - PolarizationProblem set 6 due one day after lecture 14
L15Doppler Effect - Sound - EM Radiation - Binary Stars - Neutron Stars and Black Holes - Expanding Universe
L16Boundary Conditions at Perfect Conductors - Reflection - Standing EM Waves - Transmission Lines - Radiation PressureProblem set 7 due one day after lecture 16

Wave Guides - Resonance Cavities of EM-radiation and Sound

(See the lecture notes: Resonances in Sound Cavity)

Problem set 8 due three days after lecture 17

Boundary Conditions for Dielectrics - Index of Refraction - Snell's Law - Total Internal Reflection - Fresnel Equations - Brewster Angle

(See the lecture notes: Fresnel Equations)

L19Exam 2 ReviewProblem set 9 due one day after lecture 19
E2Exam 2 covering all material Problem Set 5 through 9
L20Huygens' Principle - Interference - Thin films - Soap - Oil - Light (double slit interference)
L21Diffraction - Gratings - Pin Holes - Angular ResolutionProblem set 10 due one day after lecture 21
L22Rainbows - Haloes - Coronae - Glories

Bring a friend and an umbrella! A rainbow will appear! - The Physics behind the Mystery Picture will be revealed.
L23Farewell Special - Bring a Friend!Problem set #11 (no due date)
E3Final Exam


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