
Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism >> Content Detail

Class Activities

Class Activities

This section contains documents created from scanned original files and other documents that could not be made accessible to screen reader software. A "#" symbol is used to denote such documents.

This course is taught in the TEAL/Studio Physics format. The course format differs substantially from the lecture/recitation format. In this format, classes are held three times a week, twice in a two-hour block, and once in a one-hour block. Students sit at tables of nine in a specially designed classroom, with three groups of three students at each table. Mini-lectures are interspersed with desktop experiments and group problem solving and discussion. The one-hour session on the third session of the week is reserved entirely for problem solving.

The summaries cover the material in the up-coming class session. Students are urged to read the summary before coming to class. The course notes - written by John Belcher, Peter Dourmashkin, and Sen-Ben Liao - can be read before or after class.

During class sessions, questions are posed to the class to stimulate discussion and indicate how concepts are going over. Students "vote" on answers electronically (formerly using the Interwrite™ PRS system) and their answers are tallied.

This section shows all of the class activities in a schedule format. The same documents are also available in other sections of this Web site.

Some of the Course Note files contain figures with associated animations or interactive simulations that can be found on the Visualizations page. A table correlating the figures to the animations can be found here (PDF).

11Introduction to TEAL; Fields; Review of gravity; Electric field

Session summary (PDF)

Chapter 1: Sections 1.1-1.6; 1.8 (PDF)

Chapter 2 (PDF)

(PDF)(PDF)Group problem (PDF)
2Electric charge; Electric fields; Dipoles; Continuous charge distributions

Session summary (PDF)

Chapter 1: Section 1.6 (PDF)

Chapter 2 (PDF)


Group problem (PDF)

Group: Line of charge (PDF)

Group: Uniformly charged disk (PDF)

3Coordinate systems; Gradients; Line and surface integralsSession summary (PDF)Coordinate systems; Gradients; Line and surface integrals (PDF - 1.4 MB)
24Working in groups, electric potential, E from V

Session summary (PDF)

Chapter 3: Sections 3.1-3.5 (PDF)


Group problem: Superposition (PDF)

Group problem: E from V (PDF)

Group problem: Build it (PDF)

5Electric potential, equipotentials

Session summary (PDF)

Chapter 4 (PDF)

6Continuous charge distributionsSession summary (PDF)Continuous charge distributions (PDF)
37Gauss's law

Session summary (PDF)

Chapter 4: Sections 4.3-4.4 (PDF)

Chapter 5 (PDF - 1.3 MB)


Group problem: Charge slab (PDF)

Group problem: Charge slab (PDF)

8Gauss's law (cont.)

Session summary (PDF)

Chapter 4: Sections 4.3-4.4 (PDF)

Chapter 5 (PDF - 1.3 MB)

(PDF)(PDF)Gauss's law (PDF)
49Conductors and capacitors

Session summary (PDF)

Chapter 4 (PDF)

Group problem: Spherical shells (PDF)

Session summary (PDF)

Chapter 6 (PDF)

Chapter 7: Sections 7.1 through 7.4 (PDF)

(PDF)(PDF)Partially filled capacitor (PDF)
11Capacitors (cont.)

Session summary (PDF)

Chapter 5 (PDF - 1.3 MB)

Capacitors (PDF)
512Current, Resistance, and DC circuits

Session summary (PDF)

Chapter 7 (PDF)

(PDF)(PDF)Group problem: B field from coil of radius R (PDF)(PDF)
13Exam 1 informationSession summary (PDF)(PDF)(PDF)
614Magnetic fields: Creating magnetic fields - Biot-Savart

Session summary (PDF)

Chapter 8 (PDF)


Group problem: Non-uniform cylindrical wire (PDF)

Group problem: Current sheet (PDF)

15Magnetic fields: Creating magnetic fields - Ampere's Law

Session summary (PDF)

Chapter 9: Sections 9.1-9.2 (PDF - 1.9 MB)

(PDF - 1.1 MB)(PDF)
16Ampere's law

Session summary (PDF)

Chapter 8: Sections 8.3-8.4 (PDF)

Chapter 9: Sections 9.1-9.2 (PDF - 1.9 MB)

Ampere's law (PDF)(PDF)
717Magnetic fields: Feeling magnetic fields - charges and dipoles

Session summary (PDF)

Chapter 8: Section 8.4 (PDF)

Chapter 9: Sections 9.1-9.2 and 9.5 (PDF - 1.9 MB)

(PDF)(PDF)Group problem: Current loop (PDF)(PDF)
18Magnetic levitation; Magnetic forces on dipoles

Session summary (PDF)

Chapter 9 (PDF - 1.9 MB)

(PDF - 1.4 MB)(PDF)Group problem: Circuit (PDF)
19Magnetic fields: Force and torque on a current loop

Session summary (PDF)

Chapter 9: Sections 9.3-9.4, 9.10.2, 9.11.6, and 9.11.7 (PDF - 1.9 MB)

Magnetic fields: Force and torque on a current loop (PDF)
820Faraday's law

Session summary (PDF)

Chapter 10 (PDF)


Group problem: Changing area (PDF)

Group problem: Generator (PDF)

21Faraday's law (cont.)

Session summary (PDF)

Chapter 10 (PDF)

Chapter 11: Section 11.1 (PDF - 1.0 MB)

(PDF)Group problem: Solenoid (PDF)
22Mutual inductance and transformers; Inductors

Session summary (PDF)

Chapter 10 (PDF)

Mutual inductance and transformers; Inductors (PDF)
923Inductors and magnetic energy; RL circuitsSession summary (PDF)(PDF)(PDF)

Group problem: Coaxial cable (PDF)

Group problem: Circuits (PDF)

24Exam 2 information

Session summary (PDF)

Chapter 11: Sections 11.1-11.4 (PDF - 1.0 MB)

1025RC and RL circuits

Session summary (PDF)

Chapter 11: Sections 11.5-11.6 (PDF - 1.0 MB)

26RC and RL circuits (cont.)

Session summary (PDF)

Chapter 12 (PDF)

(PDF)(PDF)RC and RL circuits (PDF)
1127LC, and undriven LRC circuits

Session summary (PDF)

Chapter 12 (PDF)

28Driven LRC circuits

Session summary (PDF)

Chapter 13 (PDF)

(PDF)(PDF)Group problem (PDF)(PDF)
29Driven LRC circuits (cont.)

Session summary (PDF)

Chapter 13 (PDF)

Driven LRC circuits (PDF)
1230Maxwell's equations, EM radiation and energy flow

Session summary (PDF)

Chapter 13 (PDF)


Superposition principle (PDF)#

Group problem: Plane waves (PDF)

31Maxwell's equations, EM radiation and energy flow (cont.)Session summary (PDF)(PDF)(PDF)

Group problem: Inductor (PDF)

Group problem: Capacitor (PDF)

32EM radiationSession summary (PDF)EM radiation (PDF)
1333Generating EM radiation

Session summary (PDF)

Chapter 13 (PDF)

(PDF - 2.9 MB)(PDF)

Group problem: B field generation (PDF)

Group problem: Energy in wave (PDF)

34Exam 3 information

Session summary (PDF)

Chapter 14 (PDF)

(PDF - 1.4 MB)
1435InterferenceSession summary (PDF)(PDF)Interference (PDF)(PDF)
36Final examSession summary (PDF)(PDF)(PDF)


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