
Harmony and Counterpoint I >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


This course has two weekly labs, a one-hour sight-singing lab and a one-hour piano lab, which are not listed within the course calendar.

1Ritual Reading of the Syllabus, Pre-test, Overview
2Keys, Scales, Modes, Intervals

Assignment 1
3Rhythm and Meter

Triads and Seventh Chords

Assignment 2

Practice Quiz (C Major, a Minor)
4Procedures of Four-part Writing

Assignment 3

Quiz 1 (G Major, e Minor)
5Rules for Two-part Counterpoint

Assignment 4
6Root-position Tonic and Dominant

Assignment 5

Quiz 2 (F Major, d Minor)
7First-inversion Tonic, Dominant, Leading-tone Triads

Assignment 6

Quiz 3 (D Major, b Minor)
8Inversions of the Dominant Seventh

Assignment 7
9Preparing the Dominant, via ^4 in the Bass

Assignment 8

Quiz 4 (B-flat Major, g Minor)
10The Cadential Six-four

Assignment 9
11Assignment 10

Quiz 5 (A Major, f-sharp Minor)
12Assignment 11
13Midterm Exam (In class)
14Assignment 12
15Melodic Figuration

Assignment 13
16Rhythmic Figuration

Assignment 14

Quiz 6 (E-flat Major, c Minor)
17Rhythmic Figuration (cont.)

Assignment 15
18Subdominant and Submediant Triads

Assignment 16

Quiz 7 (E Major, c-sharp Minor)
19Supertonic and Subdominant Seventh Chords

Quiz 8 (A-flat Major, f Minor)
Draft of final project due
20Applied Dominants, a.k.a. Secondary Dominants

Assignment 17
21The Dominant as a Key Area

Assignment 18

Quiz 9 (B Major, g-sharp Minor)
22Diatonic Modulation (only Modulatory Techniques)

Assignment 19
23Quiz 10 (D-flat Major, b-flat Minor)Final project due
24Assignment 20

Evaluations, Summation, Post-test
25Performances of Final Projects (In class)


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