1 | Introduction to autism and technology autism | youtube video: In My Language |
2 | Social interaction deficits and technologies | Grandin, Temple. "My Mind is a Web Browser: How People with Autism Think." Cerebrum 2, no. 1 (2000): 14-22. Silberman, Steve. "The Geek Syndrome." Wired (December 2001). El Kaliouby, Rana, Rosalind Picard, and Simon Baron-Cohen. "Affective Computing and Autism." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1093 (2006): 228-248. Frith, Uta. "Mind Blindness and the Brain in Autism." Neuron 32 (2001): 969-979. Baron-Cohen, Simon. "Extreme Male Brain Theory of Autism." Trends in Cognitive Sciences 6 (2002): 248-254. Baron-Cohen, Simon, et al. "The 'Reading the Mind in the Eyes' Test Revised Version: A Study with Normal Adults, and Adults with Asperger Syndrome or High-Functioning Autism." The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines 42 (2001): 241-251. Klin, Ami, et al. "Visual Fixation Patterns During Viewing of Naturalistic Social Situations as Predictors of Social Competence in Individuals with Autism." Archives of General Psychiatry 59 (2002): 809-816. Vertegaal, Roel, et al. "Eye Gaze Patterns in Conversations: There Is More to Conversational Agents Than Meets the Eyes." Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2001. Optional readings Tager-Flusberg, Helen, and Kate Sullivan. "A Componential View of Theory of Mind: Evidence from Williams Syndrome." Cognition 76 (2000): 59-90. Baron-Cohen, Simon, et al. "Is There a Link between Engineering and Autism?" Autism 1 (1997): 153-163. Baron-Cohen, Simon, and Ami Klin. "What's So Special about Asperger Syndrome?" Brain and Cognition 61 (2006): 1-4.
3 | Communication deficits, technology for facilitating people sense Guest lecturer: John Lester, Community and Education Manager, Linden Lab |
Cheng, Lili, Greg Kimberly, and Felice Orlich. "KidTalk: Online Therapy for Asperger's Syndrome." Social Computing Group, Microsoft Research, 2003. Strickland, Dorothy, Lee Marcus, Gary Mesibov, and Kerry Hogan. "Brief Report: Two Case Studies Using Virtual Reality as a Learning Tool for Autistic Children." Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 26 (1996): 651-659. Shabani, Daniel, Roger Katz, David Wilder, Kenneth Beauchamp, et al. "Increasing Social Initiations in Children with Autism: Effects of a Tactile Prompt." Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 35 (2002): 79-83. Bishop, Jonathan. "The Internet for Educating Individuals with Social Impairments." Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 19 (2003): 546-556. von Ahn, Luis, and Laura Dabbish. "Labeling Images with a Computer Game." Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2004. Optional readings Michel, Philipp. "The Use of Technology in the Study, Diagnosis and Treatment of Autism." Final term paper for CSC350: Autism and Associated Developmental Disorders, 2004. (PDF - 1.6 MB)#
Taber, Teresa, Allison Seltzer, L. Juane Heflin, and Paul Alberto. "Use of Self-Operated Auditory Prompts to Decrease Off-Task Behavior for a Student with Autism and Moderate Mental Retardation." Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 14 (1999): 159-166. Coyle, Catherine, and Peter Cole. "A Videotaped Self-Modeling and Self-Monitoring Treatment Program to Decrease Off-Task Behavior in Children with Autism." Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability 29 (2004): 3-15. |
4 | Stress in social interaction, technology for monitoring/regulating Guest lecturer: Matthew Goodwin, Groden Center, Providence, RI | Goodwin, Matthew, June Groden, Wayne Velicer, Lewis Lipsitt, M. Grace Baron, Stefan Hoffman, and Gerald Groden. "Cardiovascular Arousal in Individuals with Autism." Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 21, no. 2 (2006): 100-123.
Hirstein, William, Portia Iversen, and V. S. Ramachandran. "Autonomic Responses of Autistic Children to People and Objects." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 268 (2001): 1883-1888. The Galvactivator (Click through to read FAQ) Picard, Rosalind, and Jocelyn Scheirer. "The Galvactivator: A Glove that Senses and Communicates Skin Conductivity." International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, New Orleans, 2001. Mueller, Florian, Frank Vetere, Martin Gibbs, Jesper Kjeldskov, Sonja Pedell, and Steve Howard. "Hug Over a Distance." Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2005. (PDF - 1.8 MB) And don't miss this movie: Hug Over a Distance: An Intimate Interface for Remote Couples Optional readings Dobson, Kelly. "Wearable Body Organs: Critical Cognition Becomes (Again) Somatic." Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Creativity and Cognition, 2005. Vivometric Lifeshirt information Dawson, Geraldine. "A Psychobiological Perspective on the Early Socio-Emotional Development of Children with Autism." Rochester Symposium on Developmental Psychopathology 3 (1991): 207-234.
5 | Developmental and intervention theories and technologies for early diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment | Prizant, Barry, et al. "The SCERTS Model: A Transactional, Family-Centered Approach to Enhancing Communication and Socioemotional Abilities of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder." Infants and Young Children 16 (2003): 296-316. Hayes, Gillian, and Gregory Abowd. "Tensions in Designing Capture Technologies for an Evidence-Based Care Community." Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2006. Robins, Ben, Kerstin Dautenhahn, and Janek Dubowski. "Investigating Autistic Children's Attitudes Towards Strangers with the Theatrical Robot – A New Experimental Paradigm in Human-Robot Interaction Studies." Proceedings of Ro-Man, 2004. Scassellati, Brian. "Quantitative Metrics of Social Response for Autism Diagnosis." Proceedings of Ro-Man, 2005. Dautenhahn, Kerstin. "Design Issues on Interactive Environments for Children with Autism." Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, 2000. Billard, Aude, et al. "Building Robota, a Mini-Humanoid Robot for the Rehabilitation of Children with Autism." RESNA Assistive Technology Journal 19, no. 1 (2006). Kozima, Hideki, Cocoro Nakagawa, and Yuriko Yaasuda. "Interactive Robots for Communication-Care: A Case Study in Autism Therapy." Proceedings of Ro-Man, 2005. Optional readings Ozonoff, Sally, Beth Goodlin-Jones, and Marjorie Solomon. "Evidence-Based Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Children and Adolescents." Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 34 (2005): 523-540. Michel, Philipp. "The Use of Technology in the Study, Diagnosis and Treatment of Autism." Final term paper for CSC350: Autism and Associated Developmental Disorders, 2004. (PDF - 1.6 MB)# |
6 | Project planning | |
7 | Autistic neural information processing, from attention to social cognition Guest lecturer: Matthew Belmonte, Cornell University |
Belmonte, Matthew, Greg Allen, Andrea Beckel-Mitchener, Lisa Boulanger, Ruth Carper, and Sara Webb. "Autism and Abnormal Development of Brain Connectivity." Journal of Neuroscience 24 (2004): 9228-9231. Minshew, Nancy, and Gerald Goldstein. "Autism as a Disorder of Complex Information Processing." Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews 4 (1998): 129-136. Happe, Francesca. "Autism: Cognitive Deficit or Cognitive Style?" Trends in Cognitive Sciences 3 (1999): 216-222. Begeer, Sander, et al. "Attention to Facial Emotion Expressions in Children with Autism." Autism 10, no. 1 (2006): 37-51. Williams, Justin, Dominic Massaro, Natalie Peel, Alexis Bosseler, and Thomas Suddendorf. "Visual-Auditory Integration During Speech Imitation in Autism." Research in Developmental Disabilities 25 (2004): 569-575. Optional readings Williams, Diane, Gerald Goldstein, and Nancy Minshew. "The Profile of Memory Function in Children with Autism." Neuropsychology 20 (2006): 21-29. |
8 | Embodied cognition and imitation/mirroring, relevance to development | Klin, Ami, Warren Jones, Robert Schultz, and Fred Volkmar. "The Enactive Mind, Or from Actions to Cognition: Lessons from Autism." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 358 (2003): 345-360.
Dapretto, Mirella, et al. "Understanding Emotions in Others: Mirror Neuron Dysfunction in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders." Nature Neuroscience 9 (2005): 28-30. Dawson, Geraldine. "A Psychobiological Perspective on the Early Socio-Emotional Development of Children with Autism." Rochester Symposium on Developmental Psychopathology 3 (1991): 207-234. Williams, Justin, Andrew Whiten, Thomas Suddendorf, and David Perrett. "Imitation, Mirror Neurons and Autism." Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 25 (2001): 287-295. Helper, Alexandra. "The Other Side of the Story." Psychiatric Times 20 (2003). Optional readings Tronick, Edward, et al. "The Infant's Response to Entrapment between Contradictory Messages in Face-to-Face Interaction." Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry 17, no.1 (1978): 1-13. Weinberg, M. Katherine, Edward Z. Tronick, Jeffrey F. Cohn, and Karen L. Olson. "Gender Differences in Emotional Expressivity and Self-Regulation During Early Infancy." Developmental Psychology 35, no. 1 (1999): 175-188.
Gallese, Vittorio. "Intentional Attunement: A Neurophysiological Perspective on Social Cognition and Its Disruption in Autism." Brain Research 1079 (2006): 15-24. Sebanz, Natalie, Harold Bekkering, and Gunther Knoblich. "Joint Action: Bodies and Minds Moving Together." Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10 (2006): 70-76. Gallese, Vittorio, and Alvin Goldman. "Mirror Neurons and the Simulation Theory of Mind-Reading." Trends in Cognitive Science 2 (1998): 493-501. Meltzoff, Andrew. "'Like Me': A Foundation for Social Cognition." Developmental Science 10 (2007): 126-134. |
9 | Current trends in social skills intervention for higher functioning adolescents on the autism spectrum Guest lecturer: Matt Lerner, Spotlight Program |
Solomon, Marjorie, Beth Goodlin-Jones, and Thomas Anders. "A Social Adjustment Enhancement Intervention for High Functioning Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, and Pervasive Developmental Disorders NOS." Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 34 (2004): 649-668. Tsatsanis, Katherine, Christine Foley, and Claire Donehower. "Contemporary Outcome Research and Programming Guidelines for Asperger Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism." Topics in Language Disorders 24 (2004): 249-259. |
10 | Autism in context: the 1950s/1960s |
Note: Bruno Bettelheim's perspective on autism, common in the 1950s and early 1960s, provides a context for understanding the recent historical view of autism: a view, now largely discredited, that has had a major impact on current discourses in the autistic community. The Sue Miller novel depicts a family who is trying to raise an autistic child by following Bettelheim's theory; read the novel to get a general sense of the ambiance of the time and the impact of these ideas on family life. You do not need to do a close reading. |
11 | Autism in context: Current views of referencing and accommodating autism Guest lecturer: Estee Klar-Wolfond, Autism Acceptance Project | The Joy of Autism. Search for the following posts: 1. Teaching versus remediating Gernsbacher, Morton Ann, Michelle Dawson, and H. Hill Goldsmith. "Three Reasons Not to Believe in an Autism Epidemic." Current Directions in Psychological Science 14 (2005): 55-58. Gernsbacher, Morton Ann. "Towards A Behaviour of Reciprocity." Journal of Developmental Processes 1 (2006): 139-152. Dawson, Michelle. "The Misbehaviour of Behaviourists." Sinclair, Jim. "Don't Mourn for Us." YouTube Videos Autism Acceptance Project (watch the videos at the bottom of the site) Optional readings
12 | Final project presentations and demonstrations |