
Developmental Entrepreneurship >> Content Detail

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

Weekly lectures are a combination of class discussion and brainstorming, and lectures by visiting guests, which are presented  here.  Each work is courtesy of the individuals named, and used with permisison. 


1Introduction (PDF)
2Brainstorming Development Opportunities (PDF)
3First Mile Solutions - Amir Hasson and Richard Fletcher (PDF - 1.4 MB)

Middle East Networks & Communications: "Pilot Projects for Deployment of Wireless IP Based System in Rural Areas of Jordan."

Wireless in Nepal - Holly Ladd and Dileep Agrawal (PDF)

Healthnet in Kenya Case Study - Lishan Adam
4Blue Energy Entry - Rolo Duartes, Mathias Craig, Ricardo Jimenez (PDF)
6Grameen Phone Case Study - Iqbal Quadir (PDF)

SARI Project Case Study - Colin Maclay (PDF)
8SELCO Case Study - Harish Hande (PDF - 2.7 MB)


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