
Analysis and Design of Feedback Control Systems >> Content Detail

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Amazon logo Nise, Norman S. Control Systems Engineering. 4th ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2004. ISBN: 9780471445777.


"Classical Three-Term Controller" - Amazon logo Franklin, Gene F., J. David Powell, and Emami-Naeini, A. "The Classical Three-Term Controller." In Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems. 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002, pp. 215-226, section 4.2. ISBN: 9780130323934.

"State Space Design." - Chapter 7 in Franklin, Powell, and Emami-Naeini.

Ziegler, J. G., and N. B. Nichols. "Optimum Settings for Automatic Controllers." Trans ASME 42 (1942): 759-768.

Trumper, David L., and Sato, Tsuyoshi. "A Vibration Isolation Platform." Mechatronics 12 (March 2002): 281-294.

Lundberg, Kent H., Miller, Haynes R., and Trumper, David L. "Troubles at the Origin: Consistent Usage and Properties of the Unilateral Laplace Transform" (PDF) (Courtesy of the authors. Used with permission.)

From Control Systems Theory, by L. A. Gould, W. R. Markey, J. K. Roberge, D. L. Trumper:

"Chapter 1: Properties and Models of Feedback Systems"
"Chapter 2: Time Domain Behavior"
"Chapter 3: Root Locus Method"
"Chapter 4: Stability Theory: The Nyquist Criterion"
"Chapter 5: Degree of Stability and Closing the Loop"
"Chapter 6: Compensation - How to Make Things Better"

Notes on Transfer Functions

Bode Plot Overview (PDF)

Transfer Functions to State Space (PDF)

1Intro and organization; circuits and Op-Amps

Nise, sections 2.1-2.4

Notes on Laplace transforms


Op-Amps as feedback systems

Actuators and transformers

Nise, sections 2.1-2.4

Notes on Bode plot overview, "Trouble at the Origin"

3State-space review

Nise, chapter 3

Notes on transfer function to state space

4Root locus
5Frequency response, Bode plots and Nyquist plots

Nise, chapter 8

CST, chapter 3 "Root Locus"

6Frequency-domain designCST, chapter 5 "Degree of Stability" and chapter 6 "Compensation"
7Frequency-domain design (cont.)

Nise, sections 10.3-10.10

CST, chapter 4 "Stability Theory", chapter 5 "Degree of Stability", chapter 6 "Compensation"

Ziegler and Nichols paper

8State-space control design

Nise, sections 10.3-10.10

CST, chapter 4 "Stability Theory", chapter 5 "Degree of Stability", chapter 6 "Compensation"

9State-space control design (cont.)
10Discrete-time designNise, chapter 12 "A vibration isolation platform"

Discrete-time design (cont.)

Nonlinear systems, linearization

FPE, sections 7.1-7.6
12Describing functionsFPE, sections 7.8-7.9.1
13Design examples
14Advanced topics; overview and wrapup


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