
Introduction to Topology >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


1Ses 1: Logic and FoundationsProblem set 0 due
2Ses 2-3: Relations, Cardinality, Axiom of Choice
3Ses 4-5: Topologies, Closed Sets
4Ses 6-7: Continuous Functions, Arbitrary ProductsProblem set 1 due at second session of the week
5Ses 8-9: Metric Topologies
6Ses 10: Quotient Topology
7Ses 11-12: Connected Spaces, Compact Spaces
8Ses 13-14: More about CompactnessProblem set 2 due at second session of the week
9Ses 15: Well-ordered Sets, Maximum Principle

Ses 16: Midterm Exam
10Ses 17-18: Countability and Separation Axioms
11Ses 19-20: Urysohn Lemma, MetrizationProblem set 3 due at second session of the week
12Ses 21: Tietze Theorem
13Ses 22-23: Tychonoff Theorem, Stone-Cech Compactification
14Ses 24-25: Baire Spaces, Dimension TheoryProblem set 4 due at second session of the week
15Ses 26: Imbedding in Euclidean Space
Final ExamOptional problem set 5 due


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