
Introduction to Lie Groups >> Content Detail



The course grade is based 100% on the homework assignments.

Main Assignments (from this and previous years)

A2, A7, A8, C2, D1, E1 in chapter I.

A1, A2, A3, A6 (i)-(iii), B1, C2, C5, D3 in chapter II.

Solutions to Assignments

Solutions for sessions 2-5, 14, and 20-22 may be found in Chapter I Solutions (PDF). Solutions for problems for sessions 6-13, 15, 16, and 23-25 may be found in Chapter II Solutions (PDF).

Assignments by Class Session
1Historical Background and Informal Introduction to Lie TheoryRead the first two papers listed under Additional Readings
2Differentiable Manifolds, Differentiable Functions, Vector Fields, Tangent SpacesSuggested Problems: A2, 3, 8

Tangent Spaces; Mappings and Coordinate Representation


Suggested Problems: A4, A5, A7, D3

4Affine Connections

Parallelism; Geodesics

Covariant Derivative
Suggested Problems: C2, D2
5Normal Coordinates

Exponential Mapping
Suggested Problem: C5
6Definition of Lie groups

Left-invariant Vector Fields

Lie Algebras

Universal Enveloping Algebra
Suggested Problems: A1, A2, A3
7Left-invariant Affine Connections

The Exponential Mapping

Taylor's Formula in a Lie Group Formulation

The Group GL (n, R )
Suggested Problems: A6 (i), (ii), (iii), B1
8Further Analysis of the Universal Enveloping Algebra

Explicit Construction of a Lie Group (locally) from its Lie Algebra

Exponentials and Brackets
Suggested Problems: B4, B5
9Lie Subgroups and Lie Subalgebras

Closer Subgroups
Suggested Problems: C2, C4
10Lie Algebras of some Classical Groups

Closed Subgroups and Topological Lie Subgroups

Suggested Problems: C1, D1

11Lie Transformation Groups

A Proof of Lie's Theorem
Suggested Problems: C5, C6
12Homogeneous Spaces as Manifolds

The Adjoint Group and the Adjoint Representation
Suggested Problems: D3 (i)-(iv)
13Examples Homomorphisms and their Kernels and RangesSuggested Problems: A4, C3
14Examples Non-Euclidean Geometry

The Associated Lie Groups of Su (1, 1) and Interpretation of the Corresponding Coset Spaces
Suggested Problem: E1
15The Killing Form

Semisimple Lie Groups
Suggested Problem: D2
16Compact Semisimple Lie Groups

Weyl's Theorem proved using Riemannian Geometry
Suggested Problem: B3
17The Universal Covering GroupNo Problems Assigned
18Semi-direct Products

The Automorphism Group as a Lie Group
No Problems Assigned
19Solvable Lie Algebras

The Levi Decomposition

Global Construction of a Lie Group with a given Lie Algebra
No Problems Assigned
20Differential 1-Forms

The Tensor Algebra and the Exterior Algebra
Suggested Problems: B1, B2, B3
21Exterior Differential and Effect of Mappings

Cartan's Proof of Lie Third Theorem
Suggested Problems: B4, B5, B6
22Maurer-Cartan Forms

The Haar Measure in Canonical Coordinates
Suggested Problem: C4
23Maurer-Cartan Forms

The Haar Measure in Canonical Coordinates
Suggested Problems: E1, E3, F1, F2, F3
24Invariant Forms and Harmonic Forms

Hodge's Theorem
Suggested Problems: E2, F4, F5, F6
25Real Forms

Compact Real Forms, Construction and Significance
Suggested Problems: G1, G3
26The Classical Groups and the Classification of Simple Lie Algebras, Real and ComplexRead the third paper listed under Additional Readings



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