
Site and Urban Systems Planning >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


1Introduction: Course and Project
2-3Site and Landscape Planning Processes
4-5Site Inventory and Evaluation: The Site Analysis Process, Site Inventory, Maps, Aerial Photos, Topography
6-7Earthworks, Soils: Grading and Drainage, Soils, InfrastructureAssignment 1 due
8-9Earthworks and Utilities: Grading, Utilities
10-11Storm Water - Best Management Practices: Paradigms, BMP, Low Impact Development, Watersheds
12-13Sites Around Wetlands and Water Features: Wetland MitigationAssignment 2 due

Interim Project Presentation due
14-15Micro Climate and Vegetation
16-17Subdivisions and Land Planning: Neighborhoods Organization and Type, Streets and Lots, Building ArrangementsAssignment 3 due
18Circulation Systems: Vehicular, Pedestrian, Streets, ParkingInterim Presentation due
19-20Project Work Week
21-22Project Work Week (cont.)
23-24Project Work Week (cont.)
25-26Project, Wrap-up, DebriefingFinal Project Presentation due


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