
Biomaterials-Tissue Interactions (BE.441) >> Content Detail

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

I. Tissue Environment of the Implanted Biomaterial: Unit Cell Processes
L1Survey of Clinical Cases of Biomaterials-Tissue InteractionsYannas/SpectorIntroduction by Spector (PDF)

Introduction by Yannas (PDF)
L2Tissue Structures, Unit Cell Processes, and IntegrinsSpectorTools for Understanding the Molecular, Cellular, and Physiological, Bases of the Tissue Response to Implants (PDF)

Introduction: Tissue Types (PDF - 1.7 MB)

Unit Cell Processes (PDF)

Integrins (PDF)
L3Unit Cell Processes Comprising the Healing ResponseSpectorUCPs in the Healing Environment (PDF)

Formation of Soft Tissue and Bone Around Implants: The Chronic Response to Implants (PDF)
L4Irreversible Healing Behavior of the Extracellular Matrix (ECM) of OrgansYannasIrreversible Healing of Extracellular Matrix (PDF)
L5Biochemistry of the ECMYannasNaturally Occuring ECMs: Collagen (PDF - 1.1 MB)

Naturally Occuring ECMs: Elastin, PG and GAG, CAM (PDF)
L6Scaffolds Based on ECM Analogs Used in Organ SynthesisYannasSynthesis of Biologically Active Scaffolds (Regeneration Templates) (PDF)
L7Organ Replacement by Induced Regeneration and Tissue EngineeringYannas/SpectorTissue Engineering: Overview (PDF)
L8Principles and Practice of Tissue EngineeringSpectorTissue Engineering: Stem Cells (PDF - 1.5 MB)
E1Quiz 1
II. Physicochemical Interactions at the Surface of Biomaterials and Signaling within Tissue
L9Characteristics of the Surfaces of BiomaterialsSpectorMaterials: Bonding and Properties (PDF)

Cell-Matrix Interactions (PDF)

Response to Particles (PDF)
L10Methodology for the Analysis of SurfacesSpector
L11Physicochemical Principles of Protein Adsorption on Solid SurfacesSpector
L12Protein/Cell/Tissue-Biomaterials InteractionsSpector
L13Linear vs. Cooperative Cell-Matrix InteractionsYannasCell-Matrix Interactions [That Determine Biomaterials Function In Vitro and In Vivo] (PDF)
L14Cell-Matrix Interactions During Spontaneous HealingYannasCell-Matrix Interactions - Part B (PDF)
L15Contraction-Blocking Theory of Regeneration in AdultsYannasCell-Matrix Interactions - Part C (PDF)

A Theory of Induced Regeneration in Adults (PDF)
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III. In Vivo and Clinical Case Studies
L16Joints and Dental Tissues: Prosthetic ReplacementSpectorMaterials for Joint Replacement (PDF)
L17Joints and Dental Tissues: Regeneration 1SpectorBiomaterials for Joint Regeneration 1 (PDF)
L18Joints and Dental Tissues: Regeneration 2SpectorDental Tissue Regeneration (PDF)

Biomaterials for Joint Regeneration 2 (PDF - 1.2 MB)
L19Epithelialization (Epidermal Regeneration) and Endothelialization of Vascular ProsthesesSpector
L20Rules for Synthesis of Tissues and OrgansYannasSimplest Synthetic Pathways (PDF)
L21In Vivo Synthesis of SkinYannasMethodology of Organ Synthesis (PDF)
L22In Vivo Synthesis of Peripheral NervesYannasConjunctiva Synthesis In Vivo (Regeneration) (PDF)
L23In Vivo Synthesis of the Conjunctiva and of Kidney TissueYannas
E3Quiz 3


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