
Symmetry, Structure, and Tensor Properties of Materials >> Content Detail

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This section contains documents created from scanned original files, which are inaccessible to screen reader software. A "#" symbol is used to denote such documents.

Readings are mix of Professor Wuensch's original handouts and other published materials, presented here in the order used in class. The individual original handouts are also published here as compiled notes.

Several readings are from the books:
[TABLES_52] Norman, F. M., and Kathleen Lonsdale, eds. International Tables for X-Ray Crystallography. Vol. 1. Birmingham, UK: The Kynoch Press, 1952.

Amazon logo [TABLES_83] Hahn, Theo, ed. International Tables for Crystallography. Vol. A. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag, 1983. ISBN: 9789027715326.

Crystallography Readings

Amazon logo Buerger, Martin J. Elementary Crystallography: An Introduction to the Fundamental Geometrical Features of Crystals. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1978, chapters 1-9. ISBN: 9780262520485.

Principles of Plane Group Derivation (PDF)#

"The 17 Two-Dimensional Space Groups: Equivalent Positions, Symmetry and Possible Reflections." Section 4.2 in [TABLES_52].

Distribution of Lattice Types, Point Groups and Plane Groups Among the Two-Dimensional Crystal Systems (PDF)#

Spherical Trigonometry (PDF)#

Derivation of the 32 Crystallographic Point Groups, or Crystal Classes (PDF)#

"The 32 Three Dimensional Point Groups." Table 3.3 in [TABLES_52].

Demonstration of 2-fold and 3-fold Axes (PDF)#

Tables d, f, and g in Nowacki, W. "Crystal Data - Systematic Tables." Monograph 6, 2nd Edition. Buffulo, NY: American Crystallographic Association, 1967.

Summary of 2-Dimensional Plane Groups in Preparation for Addition of a Stacking Vector to Produce a Space Lattice (PDF)#

Derivation of the Space Lattices (PDF)#

Lattice Transformations (PDF)#

Distribution of Lattice Types and Point Groups Among the Crystal Systems (PDF)#

Symbols for the Locus of a Glide Plane (PDF)#

Single Page Summary of Logic and Combination Theorems Used to Derive Space Groups (PDF)#

The Monoclinic Space Groups. pp. 76-101 In [TABLES_52].
This reading illustrates how the three-dimensional space groups are systematically derived by adding each of the point groups in a particular crystal system -- and with pure rotation replaced by a screw axis and/or a mirror plane by a glide plane -- to each of the space lattices that are able to accomodate them.

"A short explanation of the space-group data (cf. Section 2.2)." In [TABLES_83].

Excerpts from "The 230 Space Groups." pp. 420-422, 473, 590-591, 648-649, 662-663, 670-703. In [TABLES_83].

Symbols for All Possible Orientations of the 230 Space Groups. Table 6.2.1, pp. 545-553. In [TABLES_52].

Summary Notes on the Crystalline State (PDF)#

"Packing Considerations." In Wuensch, B. J. "Determination, Relationships and Classification of Sulfide Mineral Structures." Chapter 1 in Sulfide Mineralogy: Reviews in Minerology. Vol. 1. Chantilly, VA: Mineralogical Society of America, 1974.

Derivative Structures (PDF)#

Tensor Properties Readings

Propagation of Waves Along One-Dimensional Crystal with Two Kinds of Atoms (PDF)#

Wave Propagation in a Continuous One-Dimensional Medium (PDF)#

Propagation of Elastic Waves in Crystals (PDF)#

Stiffness vs. Temperature (PDF)#

Conventions for Relabeling Stress, Strain, Stiffness and Compliance in Matrix Notation (PDF)#

Symmetry Restrictions for 4th Rank Property Tensors (PDF)#

Some Basic Relations in Electromagnetism (PDF)#

Stress and Strain Tensors (PDF)#

Some Solutions to 3rd Order Equations (PDF)#

2nd Rank Tensors and the Representation Quadric (PDF)#

Tensor Properties of Crystals and Anisotropy (PDF)#

Professor Wuensch's Compiled Notes

These two files are compilations of the above individual readings files.

Crystallography Notes (PDF - 2.1 MB)#

Tensor Properties Notes (PDF - 2.3 MB)#


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