
Major English Novels: Reading Romantic Fiction >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


2Godwin. Caleb Williams. Vol 1.

Burke. Reflections on the Revolution in France. (Sel.)
3Godwin. Caleb Williams. Vol. 2.
4Godwin. Caleb Williams. Vol. 3.
5Edgeworth. Belinda. Vol. 1.

Wollstonecraft. Vindication of the Rights of Woman. (Sel.)
6Edgeworth. Belinda. Vol. 2.
7Edgeworth. Belinda. Vol. 3.
8Austen. Sense and Sensibility. Vol. 1.
9Austen. Sense and Sensibility. Vol. 2.
10Austen. Sense and Sensibility. Vol. 3.Essay #1 due. (5 - 7 pages)
11Scott. Waverley.
12Scott. Waverley.
13Scott. Waverley.
14Scott. Waverley.
15De Quincey. Confessions.
16De Quincey. Confessions.
17Shelley. Frankenstein. Vols. 1-2.
18Shelley. Frankenstein. Vol. 3.
19Shelley. The Last Man. Vol. 1.
20Shelley. The Last Man. Vol. 2.
21Shelley. The Last Man. Vol. 3.
22Dickens. Great Expectations.
23Dickens. Great Expectations.
24Dickens. Great Expectations.Essay #2 due. (8 - 10 pages)
25Dickens. Great Expectations.



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