
Darwin and Design >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


1Introduction: Selections from Genesis.
2Aristotle. Selections from Physics.
3Carroll, Lewis. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
4Voltaire. Candide.
5Hume. Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion. (Through Book V in the Excerpts.)
6Hume. Dialogues. (continued)
7Paley. Natural Theology.
8Smith, Adam. Wealth of Nations. (selections)
9Malthus. Principles of Population.

First paper due (Five Pages)

10Malthus. (continued)
11Darwin. On the Origin of Species. (Excerpts from Signet Edition.)
12Darwin. On the Origin of Species. (continued)
13Darwin. On the Origin of Species. (continued)
14Butler, Samuel. Erewhon.
15Butler, Samuel. Erewhon. (continued)
16Butler, Samuel. Erewhon. (continued)

Darwin. Excerpt from The Descent of Man.
17Stevenson. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.Sscond paper due (Seven Pages)
18Stevenson. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. (continued)
19Huxley, Thomas. Prolegomena to Evolution and Ethics.
20Wells, H. G. The Time Machine.
21Wells, H. G. The Island of Dr Moreau.
22Wells, H. G. The Island of Dr Moreau. (continued)
23Forster, E. M. The Machine Stops.
24Turing, Alan, John Searle, and Daniel Dennett. Essays on computers.
25Gould, Stephen Jay, Richard Dawkins, and Daniel Dennett. Essays on Natural Selection.
26Review and Summation
Third paper due (Fifteen Pages)


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