
Language Processing >> Content Detail



Assignments for this class consist of four review papers, an oral presentation of one of these review papers, and a term project or paper.

Example papers are presented courtesy of the student authors as listed below. Used with permission.

Review Papers

Students will write four 3 page papers, briefly reviewing one or more of the papers assigned as readings. Papers are due in class sessions Lecture 2, Lecture 5, Lecture 8, and Lecture 10.

Examples of Student Work

Paper 1

Summary and Discussion of Fedorenko, Gibson & Rohde 2004 (PDF), by Tara McAllister.
Working Memory and Sentence Processing (PDF), by Anon.

Paper 2

A lexical OCP effect for that? (PDF), by Mary Ann Walter.

Paper 3

Event-Related Potentials (ERP) (PDF), by Anon.
Sentence Processing (PDF), by Mary Ann Walter.

Paper 4

Sentence Processing (PDF), by Anon.
Prosodic Cues and Ambiguity Resolution (PDF), by Mary Ann Walter.

Oral Presentation

One of the review papers will be presented orally for 20-30 minutes in class on the day that this paper is to be discussed. Papers other than the ones listed here (but on the same topic) can also be considered for presentation, but please get my approval on your choice.

Term Project/Paper

Students will produce a final project/paper, due three days after Lecture 12. If this is a paper, it should be roughly 10-20 pages. This paper can be on any topic in sentence processing. This paper may consist of novel proposals, analysis and data, or alternatively it may consist of a review article in a specified area, with evaluation and commentary.

Examples of Student Work

Term Paper

Is that a lexical OCP effect? (PDF), by Mary Ann Walter.
Toward an Understanding of Working Memory in Parkinson’s Disease (PDF), by Tara McAllister.


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