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Paper Assignments and Argument Analysis Exercises

Three paper topics will be distributed in advance and will ask students to analyze and discuss material covered in class. Guidelines for papers will be handed out in class. (The three papers together must total at least fifteen pages.) Either the first or second paper must be rewritten and resubmitted (this is required of all students to fulfill the Communications Intensive irequirement). Due dates for revisions will be set by your TA. Your grade for the revised paper will be the average of the grades for the two versions. (Note that revised papers are held to a higher standard.) It is strongly recommended that you revise your first paper.

2 Argument Analysis Exercises (2-3 pages). (The two exercises together must total at least five pages.)

Guidelines for Papers (PDF)

Guidelines for Revisions (PDF)

Some Questions to Ask Yourself about Your Paper (PDF)

First Argument Analysis Exercise(PDF)
First Paper Topics(PDF)
Second Paper Topics(PDF)
Second Argument Analysis Exercise(PDF)
Third Paper Topics(PDF)


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