
European Imperialism in the 19th and 20th Centuries >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


2The Decline of the Mercantilist Empires: From 1492 to the Early 19th Century
3Classic Theories of ImperialismFirst map quiz: The World
The Foundation of "British" India, and the Roots of a New Imperialism
4From "John Company" to the Mutiny of 1857
5Shifting Economic Rationales: From "Free Trade" to Opium Wars
(New) Views of Exotic Lands and Exotic "Others"
6Charting New Terrain: Discovering "Darkest Africa"
7Ethnography and "Race Science"
8Imperial and "Civilizing" Missions
9Discussion: Mike Davis, Late Victorian Holocausts (2002)First paper due
Partitioning the World
10From the Great Game to the Scramble for Africa
11The Berlin Conference: Power-Politics and Map FantasiesSecond map quiz: Africa
12Colonial Warfare I: Conquest of Africa, Boer War, Boxer Uprising
13Genocides in the Belgian Congo and German South-West Africa
Empire in the Metropole
14The Imperial Nation on Display
15Imperial Masculinities and Femininities
Case Studies of Transformation in the Colonies
17Discussion: Ferdinand Oyono, Houseboy
18Discussion: George Orwell, Burmese Days Second paper due
Narratives (and Counter-Narratives) of Development
19The First World War
20Colonial Economics and "Modernization"
Twilight of Empire
21Empire in the Second World War
22A New World Order? From the Suez Crisis to Vietnam
Decolonization in Asia and Africa
24Independent Nationalism of the New ElitesFinal paper due (on Fanon)
New Imperialisms?
25The Neo-Colonialism of "Globalization"?
26The New American Empire?
Final Exam Week


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