
American Classics >> Content Detail



The success of this class depends on the active participation of all students. Classroom participation (20%) represents a substantial portion of the grade, and will be evaluated in terms of preparation, participation in large and small group discussion, active listening, collaboration, and overall contributions to the class experience during the term. Needless to say, if you do not attend a class it is impossible for you to contribute to it. All students will do a short presentation (10%) about a document that you find that relates to the readings for a particular class. Signups will follow.

Writing assignments in this subject are frequent. Everyone will write three 3-5 pp. essays (15% each), of which at least one must be revised. In addition, each student will write a longer 8-10 pp. essay (20%) on an additional work or works not on the syllabus. Various preparatory writing exercises (5%) will help students develop a topic, a bibliography, and an argument in advance of the final paper itself.

Writing assignments are due on paper in person at the beginning of the class in which they are due. Extensions will be granted only for good reasons explained well in advance; computer malfunctions are never an acceptable excuse for a late submission. Adherence to standards of academic honesty is required; if you have any questions about how to go about your writing or cite your sources, don't hesitate to ask.

Readings should be completed by the beginning of the class under which they appear, unless otherwise stated.




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