
Introduction to Neuroscience >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


1Ion Channels Permeation - Prof. David P. Corey

Neurocytology: Neurons - Prof. Elio Raviola
2Ion Channel Gating - Prof. David Corey

Neurocytology Synapses - Prof. Elio Raviola
3Action Potentials and Axonal Conduction - Prof. David P. CoreyProblem set 1 due
4Synaptic Overview and Neuromuscular Junct - Prof. Thomas L. Schwarz

Diseases of Nerve Conduction - Prof. Alfred W. Sandrock, Jr.
5Mechanisms of Transmitter Release - Prof. Thomas L. Schwarz

Synaptic Transmissions: CNS Receptors - Prof. Thomas L. Schwarz
6Ion Channel Disease - Prof. Robert H. BrownProblem set 2 due
7G-Protein Linked Receptors - Prof. Thomas L. SchwarzProblem set 3 due
8Synaptic Integration - Prof. Rachel Wilson

Synaptic Plasticity and LTP - Prof. Chinfei Chen
9Epilepsy - Prof. Elizabeth Anne Thiele

Psychopharmacology - Prof. Timothy Turner
Exam I
10Overview, Meninges - Prof. Matthew P. Frosch

Lab: Spinal Cord
11Peripheral Nerves and Cranial Nerves - Prof. Matthew P. Frosch

Lab: Brainstem I
12Cranial Nerve Nuclei - Prof. Matthew P. Frosch

Lab: Brainstem II
13Brainstem Tracts and Review - Prof. Matthew P. Frosch

Lab: Brainstem III
14Cerebellum - Prof. Matthew P. Frosch

Lab: Cerebellum
15Thalamus and Hypothalamus - Prof. Matthew P. Frosch

Lab: Horizontal Plane Brain Cutting
16Basal Ganglia - Prof. Matthew P. Frosch

Lab: Coronal Plane Brain Cutting
17Cerebral Cortex - Prof. Matthew P. Frosch

Limbic System (I) - Prof. Matthew P. Frosch
18New Approaches to Brain Imaging - Prof. Bruce Robert Rosen

Lab: Cerebral Cortex
19Limbic System II and Diffuse Projecting System - Prof. Matthew P. Frosch

Lab: Limbic System
20Vasculature - Prof. Matthew P. Frosch

Lab: Vasculature
Exam II
21Light Detection by Retina - Prof. Richard H. Masland

Olfaction - Prof. Rachel Wilson
22Primary Visual Coding - Prof. Richard H. Masland

Retinal Disease - Prof. Joseph Rizzo
23Visual Processing in the Cortex - John A. Assad

Higher Visual Processing - John A. Assad
24Somatic Sensation - Prof. David P. Corey

Pain - Prof. Emery Neal Brown
25Hair Cells of the Inner Ear - Prof. David P. Corey

Auditory Coding - Prof. David P. Corey
26Vestibular System/VOR - Prof. David P. Corey

Motor I: Muscles, Nerves, Spinal Cord - Prof. Emad Eskandar
27Motor II: Brainstem and Cortex - John A. Assad

Motor III: Cerebellum - John A. Assad
28Motor IV: Basal Ganglia - Prof. Emad Eskandar

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - Prof. Robert H. Brown, Jr.
29Parkinson Disease - Prof. Martin A. Samuels

Practical - The Neurological Exam - Prof. Martin A. Samuels
Exam III
30Neural Cell Fates - Lisa V. Goodrich

Cell Migration and Cortical Malformations - Prof. Christopher A. Walsh
31Axon Guidance and Myelination - Lisa V. Goodrich

Survival and Apoptosis - Prof. Rosalind A. Segal
32Synapse Formation: Presynaptic - Prof. Joshua Sanes

Synapse Formation: Postsynaptic - Prof. Joshua Sanes
33Activity-Dependent Development - Prof. Carla J. Shatz

Critical Periods - Prof. Carla J. Shatz
34Spinal Cord Injury - Prof. Zhigang He

Birdsong: A Model for Speech - Prof. Richard Mooney
35Excitotoxicity and Stroke - Prof. Frances E. Jensen

Neural Precursors - Prof. Jeffrey D. Macklis
36Memory - Prof. Andrew E. Budson

Alzheimer Disease - Prof. Bradley T. Hyman
37Fear - Prof. Steven E. Hyman

Addiction - Prof. Steven E. Hyman
Final Exam


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