
Principle and Practice of Human Pathology >> Content Detail

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

1Introduction to Human Pathology and Diagnostic Medicine (1 hr.) - Dr. Badizadegan (PDF - 1.0 MB)
2Cytoskeleton and the Extracellular Matrix: "Scaffoldings of Life" (1 hr.) - Dr. Ingber

Epithelial Structure and Function (1 hr.) - Dr. Badizadegan (PDF - 2.9 MB)

The Immune System (1 hr.) - Dr. Badizadegan (PDF - 2.0 MB)
3Cell Injury, Adaptation and Death (1 hr.) - Dr. Badizadegan (PDF - 1.4 MB)
4Acute and Chronic Inflammation (1 hr.) - Dr. Badizadegan (PDF - 2.7 MB)

Tissue Repair, Fibrosis and Healing (1 hr.) - Dr. Badizadegan (PDF - 1.3 MB)

Diseases of Immunity (1 hr.) - Dr. Mitchell
5Infectious Diseases: "The Biological Conflict of Interest" (1 hr.) - Dr. Badizadegan (PDF)
6Transplantation: "Friendly Organs in a Hostile Environment" (1 hr.) - Dr. Colvin (PDF - 1.1 MB)

Tissue Engineering and Organ Fabrication: "Medical Rationale and Engineering Challenges" (1 hr.)
7Host Response to Artificial Materials and Implanted Devices (1 hr.) - Dr. Schoen
8Introduction to Organ Systems Pathology (1 hr.) - Dr. Badizadegan

Are We What We Eat? "The Link Between Diet and Disease Development" (1 hr.) - Dr. Hu (PDF - 1.3 MB)

Environmental Exposure: "Is It Making You Sick?" (1 hr.) - Dr. Dockery
9Cardiomyopathies: "Many Roads to a Broken Heart" (1 hr.) - Dr. Seidman
10Vascular Pathobiology: "Endothelium as Nature's Blood Container" (1.5 hrs.) - Dr. Gimbrone

Ischemia and Infarction (1 hr.) - Dr. Badizadegan (PDF)
11Patterns and Consequences of Glomerular Damage (1 hr.) - Dr. Rennke
12Genetic Disorders (1 hr.) - Dr. Badizadegan (PDF - 1.2 MB)

Diseases of the Lung (1.5 hrs.)
13The Liver (1 hr.) - Dr. Badizadegan (PDF - 2.9 MB)
14Gastrointestinal Disorders: "Guts with No Glory!" (2 hrs.) - Dr. Badizadegan

Genetic Progression in Gastrointestinal Neoplasia (1 hr.) - Dr. Redston
15Cervical Neoplasia: "Lessons from Viral Oncogenesis" (1 hr.) - Dr. Crum
16Mid-Term Exam (1 hr.)

Feedback Session and Review of the Mid-Term Exam (1 hr.)

Lymphoid Neoplasms (1 hr.) - Dr. Aster
17Sickle Cell Disease: "From Membrane Pathophysiology to Membrane-Targeted Therapy" (1 hr.) - Dr. Brugnara
18Introduction to the Nervous System (1 hr.)

Toxic Proteins and Neurodegenerative Diseases (1 hr.)

CNS Neoplasia (1 hr.) - Dr. Louis
19Diseases of Skeletal Muscle (1 hr.) - Dr. Lidov
20Surgical Pathology and Other Gold Standards (1 hr.) - Dr. Badizadegan

Molecular and Cytogenetic Analyses in Diagnostic Pathology (1 hr.) - Dr. Fletcher

DNA Microarrays in Cancer Diagnosis and Management (1 hr.) - Dr. Golub
21Bioinformatics in Pathology: "Can Any Useful Information be Extracted from All This Data?" (1 hr.)

Functional Imaging (1 hr.) - Dr. Rosen

Molecular Imaging (1 hr.)
23Optical Coherence Tomography: "Shedding Light on Human Disease" (1 hr.) - Dr. Tearney

Optical Spectroscopy: "Diagnosis in a Flash!" (1 hr.) - Dr. Feld

Transfer of Healthcare Technologies: "How to Make New Diagnostic Technologies a Clinical Reality?" (1 hr.) - Dr. Murray
24Student Presentations (3 hrs.)
25Student Presentations (3 hrs.)
26Autopsy: "The Final Answer?" (Medical Area) (1 hr.) - Dr. Badizadegan
27Pathology and the Law (1 hr.) - Dr. Bieber

Human Pathology: "Past, Present, and the Future" (1 hr.) - Panel Discussion
28Final Exam


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