
Introduction to Spanish Culture >> Content Detail

Study Materials


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Readings are also available by session.

The books read in 21F.717 vary from year to year. They include:

Amazon logo Anon. El Poema del Cid Buenos Aires. Argentina: Losada, 2004. ISBN: 9500305984.

Amazon logo ———. La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes. Edited by Lazarillo De Tormes and Feliz Carasco. New York, NY: Peter Lang, 1997. ISBN: 0820434787.

Amazon logo Buero Vallejo, Antonio, ed. El tragaluz. London, UK: Duckworth, 1995. ISBN: 185399412X.

Amazon logo Castro, Américo. La Realidad histórica de España. México: Editorial Porrúa, 1982. ISBN: 9684327633. Chapters.

Amazon logo Cervantes. Novelas Ejemplares II. Spain: Jorge Mesta Editores, 2004. ISBN: 8489163863.

De Miguel, Amando. Los Españoles. Madrid, Spain: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 2001. ISBN: 8474763150.

Lope de Vega. Fuenteovejuna. Zaragoza, Spain: Editorial Ebro, 1962.

Amazon logo Lorca, Frederico Garcia. Bodas de sangre. Madrid, Spain: Ediciones Anaya, 1987. ISBN: 8420727512.

Amazon logo Muñoz Molina, Antonio. El dueño del secreto. Madrid, Spain: Editorial Castalia, 1997. ISBN: 8470397826.

Amazon logo Pérez Galdós, Benito. Misericordia. Sawtry, UK: Dedalus; New York, NY: Hippocrene, 1995. ISBN: 1873982852.

Riera, Carme. Una Primavera para Domenico Guarini. Madrid, Spain: Espasa-Calpe, 1999. ISBN: 8423994899.

Amazon logo Sender, Ramón. Requiem por un campesino español. Barcelona, Spain: Ediciones Destino, 1975. ISBN: 8423309142.

Amazon logo Unamuno, Miguel de. San Manuel Bueno, mártir. Madrid, Spain: Castalia, 1984. ISBN: 8470394282.

Readings by Session


The Genesis of a Country: How did Spain Become a Nation?
Vilar, pp. 7-22.
2"En Busca de una Realidad No Fabulosa"

Américo Castro y la idea de España
“El Yihad” Article

Américo Castro: Chapter

3La cultura islámica en EspañaCastro. "Lascruzadas vistas por los árabes." pp. 28-67.
4Tres Castas: Judaism in Spain Romances SefarditasVilar, pp. 23-47.
5Introduce El CidEl Cid, pp. 3-46.
6The Need for a National Hero: El CidEl Cid, pp. 49-65.
7The Need for a National Hero: El Cid (cont.)El Cid, pp. 90-end.
8The Need for a National Hero: El Cid (cont.)First part of Lazarillo de Torme
9The Struggle Against Conformity and Homogeneity

Lazarillo de Tormes
Finish Lazarillo de Torme
10Lazarillo de Tormes (cont.)

How Catholic were the Catholic Kings?
Tirso: Don Juan
11Discuss: Don Juan and the Idea of HonorFinish Tirso: Don Juan
12Don Juan in Music, Theatre, etc

Discuss: The Emergence of a National Theatre
13Lope: El Perro del Hortelano
14Presentation of Group ProjectsBécquer

Poems distributed in class
15Romantics and Liberals: Early 19th century Spain. BécquerMisericordia
16Misericordia: The Meanings of Love and HonorMisericordia
17Misericordia: The Meanings of Love and Honor (cont.)Finish Misericordia
18Misericordia: The Meanings of Love and Honor (cont.)The avant-garde: poetry visual arts
19Lorca, Picasso, MiróRead: Ibanez Martin
20Ibáñez Martín Bienvenido Mr. MarshallRequiem for a Spanish Peasant
21Finish Requiem: The Franco YearsEl Dueño del Secreto
22El dueñoFinish El Dueño del Secreto
23El dueño (cont.)
24Wrap-up Discussion


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