
Beginning Japanese II >> Content Detail



In the table below references to "L" refer to the lesson number and subsection in the required text, 'Japanese: the Spoken Language, Part 1', by Eleanor H. Jorden with Mari Noda, Yale University Press, 1987. References to JSL are to this textbook as well.

Review of L.1-6
Review of L.1-6
1-2L.7A FACT
L.7 Kanji Introduction: [Study on-line

Also, bring your Kana-Kanji version of JSL for your reference.

NOTE: Although the classifiers are excluded from the vocabulary quiz, you will be required to use them in the ACT classes. Practice them well beforehand!
L.7A Vocabulary Quiz (Classifiers will not be included)
1-3L.7A CCs 1-2
L.7A Drills A-G
Review of L.4-5
L.7A CCs 3-4
L.7A Drills I-N

The vocabulary list you must study for the quiz for Lesson 7B is quite long. We suggest you start studying it early.
2-2L.7A Application Exercises
Review L.4-5:
  • Please memorize L.4B CC3 and L.5B CC2 again.
  • Go over the classifiers in L.4 and L.5, and review the patterns
    • X wa Y dake desu ka?
    • Konna no o mittu kudasai
    • motto vs. moo
2-3L.7B FACT

NOTE: Again, we will practice the classifiers in ACT class, even if they are not on the vocabulary quiz. Learn them well!
L.7B Vocabulary Quiz (Classifiers will not be included)
2-4L.7B CCs 1-2
L.7B Drills A-H
3-1L.7BL.7B CC 3
L.7B Drills I-N

Lesson 7 Reading (1-8) (PDF)
Don't forget to turn in Particle Exercises.
3-2Lesson 7 Reading (9, 10) (PDF)

L.7B CC 4
L.7B Drills O-R
Lesson 7 Kanji Quiz: [Review]
4-1L.8AL.7B Application ExercisesLesson Quiz 6, 7 [Review Lesson 6] [Review Lesson 7]
4-2L.8A FACT
L.8 Kanji Introduction: [Study On-line

NOTE: In Lesson 8 you will be learning a lot of classifiers. Please practice the new classifiers, as well as those already introduced, every day. You will be quizzed on the classifiers next week.
L.8A Vocabulary Quiz (Classifiers will not be included)
4-3L.8A CCs 1-2
L.8A Drills A-F
4-4L.8A CCs 3-4
L.8A Drills G-K
L.8A Application Exercises
5-1L.8BL.8B FACTL.8B Vocabulary Quiz
5-2L.8B CCs 1-2
L.8B Drills A-I
5-3Lesson 8 Preliminary Reading (PDF)
Lesson 8 Reading (1-7) (PDF)
L.8B CCs 3-4
L.8B Drills J-N
5-4L.8B Application ExercisesLesson Quiz 8 [Review]
6-1L.9A*Grammar will get more difficult in this lesson. L.9A FACT

L.9 Kanji Introduction: [Study On-line
L.9A Vocabulary Quiz
6-2L.9A CCs 1-4
L.9A Drills A-H
6-3L.9A CCs 5-6
L.9A Drills I-M
6-4Lesson 8 Reading (8-10) (PDF)
L.9A Application Exercises
Lesson 8 Kanji Quiz: [Review]
7-1L.9BOral Interview 1
7-2L.9B FACTL.9B Vocabulary Quiz
7-3L.9B CCs 1-2
L.9B Drills A-H
7-4L.9B CC 3
L.9B Drills I-L
8-1L.9B, L.10AL.9B CCs 4-5
L.9B Drills M-Q
8-2L.9B Application Exercises
Lesson 9 Reading (1-10) (PDF)
Lesson 9 Kanji Quiz: [Review]
8-3L.9B Application ExercisesLesson Quiz 9 [Review]
8-4L.10A FACTL.10A Vocabulary Quiz (Classifiers will not be included)
9-1L.10AL.10A CC 1
L.10A Drills A-H
9-2L.10A CC 2
L.10A Drills I-O
9-3L.10A CCs 3, 4
L.10A Drills P-S
9-4L.10A Application Exercises
Review CCs
L.10 Kanji Introduction: [Study on-line]
10-1L.10BL.10B FACTL.10B Vocabulary Quiz
10-2L.10B CC 1, 2
L.10B Drills A-H
10-3L.10B CC 3, 4
L.10B Drills I-N
Lesson 10 Reading (1-9) (PDF)
10-4Lesson 10 Reading (10) (PDF)
Lesson Quiz 10 [Review]
11-1L.11AL.11A FACTL.11A Vocabulary Quiz
11-2L.11A CC 1
L.11A Drills A-I
Lesson 10 Kanji Quiz: [Review]
12-1L.11A, L.11BL.11A CC 2
L.11A Drills J-Q
12-2L.11A CC 3, 4
L.11A Application Exercises
12-3L.11B FACT
Lesson 11 Reading (1-6) (PDF)
L.11B Vocabulary Quiz
12-4L.11B CC 1, 3
L.11B Drills A-G
L.11B CC 2
Lesson 11 Reading (7-8) (PDF)
L.11B Drills H-L
13-3Oral Interview 2
13-4Hour Exam
14-1L.12AL.12A FACT
14-2L.12A CC 1, 2
L.12A Drills H-Q
14-3L.12A CC 3
Lesson 11 Reading (9-11) (PDF)




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