
MArch Portfolio Seminar >> Content Detail



Here are examples of the physical and Web portfolios designed by the students for the class. Please note that the Web portfolios are a design exercise and an attempt at establishing a portfolio framework, and not completed Web sites. In some cases links will not work and sections will not be complete. Each work is courtesy of the student named, and used with permission.

Chris Becker(PDF)
Kwan Chan(PDF and Website)
Justin Crane(Website)
Renata Filipovic(PDF and Website)
Jeremy Gates(PDF)
Emily Gillmar(PDF and Website)
Naomi Horowitz(PDF and Website)
Sawako Kaijima(PDF and Website)
Chris MacCarroll(PDF and Website)
James Machek(Website)
Chris Muskopf(PDF and Website)
Virginia Nolan(PDF)
Eric Orozco(PDF)
Carl Solander(PDF and Website)
Tony Su(Website)
Aaron Wittkamper(PDF)
Jane Wu(PDF and Website)


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