
Introduction to Asian American Studies: Literature, Culture, and Historical Experience >> Content Detail

Study Materials

Study Materials

Note: Periodical indexes and databases listed below have restricted availabilities, and no access is provided through this site.

This section lists useful resources for research: journals, periodical indexes, and databases. The lists of periodical indexes and databases were compiled by the humanities librarians of MIT Libraries.


Journal of Asian American Studies. John Hopkins University Press.

Amerasia. UCLA Asian American Studies Center Press.

Periodical Indexes

19th Century Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature, 1890–1899.

International Index to Periodicals, vol. 1–18, 1907–1965.

New York Times Index, 1851–present.

Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, 1802–1907.

Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature, 1900–present.

Social Sciences and Humanities Index, vol. 19–27, 1965–1974.

Humanities Index, 1974–present.

Social Sciences Index, 1974–present.


Alternative Press Index

America: History and Life
This is the most important database for searching historical literature concerning North America.

Anthropological Literature Index

Congressional Universe
Indexing and abstracts for U.S. congressional publications. Indexing coverage beginning in 1970, with fulltext available for certain materials from the mid-1980s.

Ethnic NewsWatch

GPO Monthly Catalog
An index to records on all subjects of interest to the U.S. government, 1976-present.

Humanities Abstracts
An index to more than 400 periodicals in archaeology, art, classics, film, folklore, journalism, linguistics, music, the performing arts, philosophy, religion, world history, and world literature. Indexing from 1984-present; abstracts from 1994.

Humanities and Social Sciences Index Retrospective
Coverage: 1907-1984.

Lexis/Nexis Academic
Access to the full text of many news, business, and legal resources.

MLA Bibliography

Proquest Direct Research Library
Online access to thousands of journals, periodicals, newspapers, dissertations, and magazines covering a broad range of subject. Many are in full text.

PAIS International
An index to articles, books, conference proceedings, government documents, book chapters,and statistical directories about public affairs.

Readers' Guide Abstracts
An index to popular periodicals appearing in the U.S. and Canada. Indexing from 1983-present; abstracts from 1994 on.

Readers' Guide Retrospective
An index to popular periodicals published in the U.S. from 1890 to 1982.

Social Science Abstracts
An index to more than 400 international, English-language periodicals in anthropology, sociology, geography, political science, economics, and law. Indexing from 1983-present; abstracts from 1994.

Statistical Universe
Indexing and abstracts for over 100,000 U.S. government and non-government publications with links to selected full text documents and agency Web sites. 1973-present.

Web of Science
Social Science Citation Index, Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Science Citation Index.

A database containing more than 36 million records from library catalogs worldwide.


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