
Advanced System Architecture >> Content Detail

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes


CM = Christopher Magee
JM = Joel Moses
DW = Daniel Whitney

1Intro and Objectives - what we want to understand better and why it mattersSyllabus Review - Assignment etc. Timing

Vision(s) of Architecture Theory

Instructors Background and Biases Relative to System Architecture etc.
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2Basic foundations for course emphasizing ways of thinking and biasesSystem Typologies and Systems of Interest in the Course

Terms and Definitions - Emphasis on Architecture, Complexity, Function, Performance, Uilities, Models, Constraints

Expansion on Key Concepts Beyond Definitions
3Have students begin to uncover their own biases and assumptions important in systems architectureStudent Presentations and Discussion

Brief Discussion of SDM Architecture Course

Brief Discussion of Assignment 2
4Introduction to Graphs, Networks, Hierarchies and DSM'sModels and Model Improvement

Graph Theory Introduction

Network "Science" History Including DSM's

Relationship of Architecture/Structure and Metrics (Importance of Data)
DW(PDF - 1.9 MB)
5Discussion and identification of focus systems whose architectures we will study all semester

Project Definition
Student Presentations on Systems for Deeper Study (Data Sources and Objectives)

Project Discussion and Choice Process

Choices/Assignments Finished on Weekend After Class
6Network Observational Methods and Quantitative Metrics I: Simple ConceptsNetwork Analysis Terminology

Social Networks Concepts: Centrality, Clustering, Prestige and Acquaintance

Degree Distribution, Assessment and Meaning of Power Laws
7Constraints IDeeper Discussion of Concept of Constraints

Power and Information as Clear Example of Constraints on System Structure

Implications to Structural Characteristics/Metrics

Effects on Modularity
8Canonical structures and their organizational implicationsLinking Human and Technical Systems at the Structural Level

Cooperation and Competition

Teams/Families/Clans and the Emergence of Hierarchy

Hierarchy: Layers, Trees, Mixtures and Hybrids-routers and Interpreters

Cultural Links, Tradeoffs
9Complexity and FlexibilityComplexity and Flexibility for Canonical Structures

Abstractions in Algebra
10Network Observational Methods

Degree Correlation-introduction

Community Structure Approaches

DW(PDF - 1.3 MB)
11Network Observational MethodsMotifs

Hierarchy of Function

Coarse-graining and Technical Systems

Revisit Modularity
12Network ModelsTypology of Network Models - Predicting Structure/Metrics or Predicting "Properties" from Structure/Metrics and Level of Network Simplicity

Random Networks, Small-world and Preferentially Attached Networks

Cascades, Failures and Epidemics as an Example
13Student Presentations on Project StatusShort Presentation by each Student Team and Discussion
14Affiliation Networks, Navigation and Search on NetworksMilgram Experiments

Early "Explanations" by Small World and Random Network Models

Kleinberg I and II, Watts, Dodds and Newman

Search on the www
15Constraints II and Scaling and AllometryRevisit System Typology

Revisit Constraints

Explore Possible Implications on Structural Metrics

Scaling Laws in Different Contexts
16Enterprise ArchitecturesGermany, Japan and US Cultural Influences on Organizational Structure

Sloan, Oichi and Piore and Sable
17Modeling Enterprise Architectures Constraints - Social, Physical, Political, Time-based - and their effect on structure and behaviorResearch on Organizational Theory

Simple, Quantitative Models and their use in Model/Theory Improvement

Sah and Stiglitz

Dodds, Watts and Sable
18Technical and some sociological networks compared in greater depthContinuation of Constraints and Scaling in Engineering Systems

Degree Correlation Patterns in Different Technical Systems
DW(PDF - 2.2 MB)
19Student reports on their focus architecturesQuantitative Analyses and Model Building Status
20Second generation models of technological systemsInternet Models Including Business and Technical Tradeoffs

Air Transport Modeling Including the Role of Nodes

Complexity Metrics
CM(PDF - 1.5 MB)
21Systematics in other fieldsTaxonomy in Early Biology

Taxonomy in Biology Today - Cladograms and the Cladists

Taxonomy in Economics - Econophysics and Dendrograms

Hierarchy Definition by Distance

Hierarchy by Betweenness
22Standards and the practice of complex system architecture, design and standardsEngineering System Evolution and the Role of Standards

Standards in Different Systems

Standards as an Interdependent Set of Artifacts
CM(PDF - 1.3 MB)
23-24Final PresentationsLong Team Presentations
25Overall discussion of presentation and further elaboration of theory and architectureAll(PDF 1)

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26Final day of class-course wrap-up and discussion of quality of emerging models and theoretical needs


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