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General Resource : Resources for Job Search >> 3. CV and Resume Writing

  • Action Verbs for Job Description
  • Submitted by Noah H on 2010-01-13

    Verb phrases are the strongest way to describe previous job responsibilities. To write verb phrases, pretend you're telling someone about your job, beginning each sentence with "I. . . . " For example, "I supervise ten employees. I organize mass mailings. I arrange airline and hotel reservations." On the resume, you omit the "I" and use only the remaining verb phrases to describe the work you do: "Supervise ten employees. Organize mass mailings. Arrange airline and hotel reservations." Use present tense verb phrases for jobs you currently hold and past tense for former jobs. If you have any difficulty finding the right verbs to describe your work, choose from the following list: 

    accomplished             achieved
    acquired                 acted
    adapted                  addressed
    adjusted                 administered
    advanced                 advised
    allocated                analyzed
    applied                  appraised
    approved                 arranged
    assembled                assigned
    assisted                 attained
    audited                  author
    automated                balanced
    brought                  budgeted
    built                    calculated
    catalogued               chaired
    changed                  clarified
    coached                  collected 
    communicated             compared
    compiled                 completed
    composed                 computed 
    computerized             conceptualized  
    conceived                concluded
    conducted                conserved
    consolidated             contained
    continued                contracted
    contributed              controlled
    coordinated              corrected
    corresponded             counseled
    created                  critiqued
    cut                      decreased
    delegated                decided
    defined                  delivered 
    demonstrated             determined
    designed                 developed
    devised                  diagnosed
    directed                 dispatched
    distinguished            distributed
    diversified              drafted
    edited                   educated
    eliminated               enabled
    encouraged               engineered
    enlisted                 established
    ensured                  estimated
    evaluated                examined
    executed                 expanded
    expedited                extracted
    fabricated               facilitated
    familiarized             fashioned  
    finalized                focused
    forecast                 formulated
    founded                  gathered
    generated                graded
    guided                   handled
    headed up                identified
    illustrated              implemented
    improved                 increased
    indoctrinated            influenced
    informed                 initiated 
    innovated                inspected
    instructed               insured
    integrated               interpreted
    interviewed              introduced
    invented                 investigated
    kept                     launched 
    lectured                 led
    made                     maintained
    managed                  manufactured
    marketed                 mediated 
    moderated                modified
    monitored                motivated
    negotiated               observed
    operated                 ordered
    organized                originated
    outsold                  overhauled
    oversaw                  participated
    performed                persuaded
    planned                  prepared 
    presented                presided  
    prioritized              processed
    produced                 programmed
    projected                promoted 
    proposed                 provided
    publicized               published
    purchased                recommended
    reconciled               recorded 
    recruited                reduced
    referred                 regulated 
    rehabilitated            related  
    remodeled                repaired 
    reported                 represented
    researched               restored 
    restructured             retrieved
    reversed                 reviewed  
    revised                  revitalized
    saved                    scheduled
    schooled                 screened 
    selected                 serviced  
    set                      shaped
    screened                 selected
    simplified               skilled 
    sold                     solidified
    solved                   specified 
    stimulated               streamlined
    strengthened             suggested
    summarized               supervised
    surveyed                 systemized
    tabulated                taught
    tested                   trained
    translated               traveled   
    trimmed                  updated
    upgraded                 validated 
    worked                   wrote
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