Grad Schools:  

  Medical Professions and Sciences >> Veterinary Sciences

Grad School / Program:

  • Small Animal Clinical Sciences

  • Contact:
  • D208 Veterinary Medical Center
    Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences
    Michigan State University (MSU)
    East Lansing, MI 48824
    United States
    Phone: 517-355-6570

  • Degrees Granted:
  • Masters

  • Programs offered:
  • On-campus
  • Sponsored Links

  • Description:
  • The Department offers courses designed to meet the needs of the professional program in veterinary medicine, the post-DVM clinical training program that provides the basis for specialty board certification, and the graduate program leading to the Master of Science (MS) degree. The Department is committed to
    attracting and retaining a diverse group of graduate students and recognizes the importance of diversity among peers and faculty for the professional development of all graduate students.

    The Department offers graduate study leading to a Master of Science degree (Plan A with thesis) in Small Animal Clinical Sciences. A full-time MS degree program is available to any student who holds a bachelor’s degree (or equivalent), meets admission requirements of the program, and has interests compatible with those of SCS faculty and resources. In addition, a part-time MS degree program concurrent with professional (DVM, MD, DO) education or post-DVM clinical (residency) training is available for students in the Colleges of Veterinary Medicine, Human Medicine, and Osteopathic Medicine. The program leading to the MS degree in the Department of SCS is designed to 1) develop an in-depth knowledge in an area of medical science, 2) teach the student how to conduct independent research by designing specific scientific studies; acquiring, analyzing, and evaluating scientific data, and 3) teach the student how to prepare materials for presentation and publication.

  • Financial Aids:
  • Graduate Assistantships:
    A limited number of research assistantships may be available through the Department to full-time graduate students or students in dual MS/medical degree programs. Assistantships provide a stipend, a waiver of 9 credits during fall and spring semesters and 4 credits during summer semester (additional credits are charged at the Michigan resident rate), a waiver of matriculation fees, and include health insurance. Research assistants must be enrolled in a graduate program and be making satisfactory progress toward their degree. An assistant’s responsibilities require an average of 10 hours per
    week for a quarter-time appointment and an average of 20 hours a week for a half-time appointment. Awarding of ssistantships is at the discretion of the Department Chairperson.

    VTH Clinical Scholar Fellowships:
    Graduate students in combined residency/MS degree programs in SCS may be eligible for a Veterinary Teaching Hospital Clinical Scholar Fellowship. The VTH Clinical Scholar Fellowship provides financial support for tuition and travel costs related to the combined residency/MS degree program. Awarding of fellowships depends on availability of funding and approval of the Department Chairperson.

  • Grad Program Website:

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