Grad Schools:  

  Mathematics and Statistics >> Statistics

Grad School / Program:

  • Statistics and Probability

  • Contact:
  • A413 Wells Hall
    Department of Statistics & Probability
    Michigan State University (MSU)
    East Lansing, MI 48824
    United States
    Phone: 517-355-9589

  • Degrees Granted:
  • Masters, Doctorate

  • Programs offered:
  • On-campus
  • Sponsored Links

  • Description:
    The Department of Statistics and Probability offers two majors that lead to master's degrees: statistics and applied statistics. For the master's degree, a student may emphasize either theoretical or applied material. Your academic advisor coordinates the student's program of study, which must be approved by the chairperson of the department.

    A written examination is required of all masters’ candidates. Ordinarily the written examination is given twice a year at about the mid-points of fall and spring semesters. The examination is based on STT 861-2. This exam is waived for those who choose MTH 828 and STT 865 and one of the two sequences STT 871-2 or STT 881-2 as parts of their degree requirements.

    The Department of Statistics and Probability at Michigan State University has had an established Ph.D. program since 1955, one of the oldest in the country. Either statistics or probability can be emphasized.

    The Department would like to attract into its Ph.D. program those students who have ability in and enjoy mathematics and its applications. We believe that students with solid training and interest in mathematics will be able to make a contribution to the field of statistics and probability, and we particularly welcome applications from undergraduate and graduate mathematics majors who have studied some probability or statistics.

    A student without previous graduate work is usually admitted to the M.S. program, even if planning to work toward the Ph.D. Graduate courses taken while a M.S. student counts toward satisfaction of the Ph.D. requirements. A student with previous graduate work may be admitted directly to the Ph.D. program. Each student is assigned an advisor who helps plan the student's program, taking into account the student's goals and the courses and seminars appropriate to these goals.

  • Admission Information:
  • See:

  • Financial Aids:
    In 2008-09 the Department of Statistics and Probability has 30 teaching or research assistants. Approximately 8 of these assistantships become available each year as previous holders complete M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. Advanced students fill assistantships for statistical consulting and research assistantships. Some students hold assistantships in other departments.

    The 2008-09 stipends for the nine month academic year were:

    Per Year Per Month
    Level 1 $14,229 $1,581
    Level 2 $14,409 $1,601
    Level 3 $14,589 $1,621

    In approximation, assistants with prior master's degrees begin at Level 2 and reach Level 3 after six semesters as an assistant. Students without a master's degree begin at Level 1, reach Level 2 after 2 semesters as an assistant. Precise definitions are given in the MSU/GEU contract document for teaching assistants. For other assistants the spirit of the MSU/GEU rules is maintained, with the provision that an assistant’s level is never decreased.

    Whenever graduate assistants pay for tuition they are at the in-state level rates. For 2008-09 the in-state rate was $434.00 per credit hour. There is a tuition waiver for 9 credits for Fall and Spring Semesters. Students who hold summer appointments receive waivers for 4 credits. Half-time assistants who are masters degree students must carry a minimum of6 credits for Fall and Spring Semesters and 3 credits in Summer Semester. Half-time assistants who are doctoral students must carry a minimum of3 credits for Fall and Spring Semesters and 3 credits in Summer Semester. The university requires that in order to receive the Ph.D. degree a student must have completed 24 credits of 999 (research) courses. The University pays for insurance for graduate assistants and part of the fees for spouse and children. See the MSU/GEU contract.

  • Grad Program Website:

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