Professional Profile for Luis Gimenez Amoros

HigherEdSpace Profile

  • Luis Gimenez Amoros



About Me (Summary)

Luis Gimenez Amoros is a research fellow at Center for Humanities Research (CHR) at the University of the Western Cape. Previously, he has been an Ethnomusicology lecturer at the University of Fort Hare and Rhodes University in South Africa. The author has conducted research in six African countries (Algeria, Western Sahara, Mali, Zimbabwe, Zambia and South Africa), India and Spain regarding transcultural music, postcolonial studies and new/old mobility in pre-colonial music. The author combines his academic career with composing/performing internationally with his solo albums and with numerous artists from the World Music industry.


  • School of Oriental and African Studies - University of London
  • United Kingdom
    Bachlor, Humanities
    2001 - 2004
  • Rhodes University
  • South Africa
    Doctorate, Humanities
    2012 - 2014

My Statement

Luis Gimenez Amoros is a research fellow at Center for Humanities Research (CHR) at the University of the Western Cape. Previously, he has been an Ethnomusicology lecturer at the University of Fort Hare and Rhodes University in South Africa. The author has conducted research in six African countries (Algeria, Western Sahara, Mali, Zimbabwe, Zambia and South Africa), India and Spain regarding transcultural music, postcolonial studies and new/old mobility in pre-colonial music. The author combines his academic career with composing/performing internationally with his solo albums and with numerous artists from the World Music industry.

My Publications

Peer-reviewed publications

• Books
- Luis Gimenez Amoros. 2018. Tracing the mbira sound archive in Zimbabwe. New York: Routledge.
- Luis Gimenez Amoros and Maurice Vambe (Eds.). 2018. Performing Zimbabwe: A transdisciplinary study of Zimbabwean music. Durban: UKZN Press.
- Luis Gimenez Amoros (Ed.). La música afrohispana. (forthcoming publication).
• Chapters in books
- Mariem Hassan: The construction of a transcultural representative of Saharawi music. In A. Dillane and M. J. Power, Songs of social protest (forthcoming in 2018), London: Rowan and Littlefield.

- Reconsidering the study of Zimbabwean music. In Gimenez Amoros and Vambe, Performing Zimbabwe: A transdisciplinary study of Zimbabwean music. Durban. UZKN Press, 2018.

- Understanding Zimbabwe by local scholars: The Shona and Ndebele in Zimbabwe and beyond. In Gimenez Amoros and Vambe,. A transdisciplinary study of Zimbabwean music by Zimbabwean scholars. Durban: UKZN Press, 2018

- The possibility of conducting interdisciplinary studies on Zimbabwean music. In Gimenez Amoros and Vambe, Performing Zimbabwe: A transdisciplinary study of Zimbabwean music. Durban: UZKN Press, 2018.

- Introduccion a la musica afrohispana. In Gimenez Amoros. Musica afrohispana: America, Africa y Espana XV-XXI (forthcoming pubilcation).

- La música afrohispana en España del siglo XV al XVII. In Gimenez Amoros. Musica afrohispana: America, Africa y Espana XV-XXI (forthcoming pubilcation).

• Articles in peer-reviewed journals

- Desert blues: La guitarra en la música saharaui, Contratiempo22, (, 2013.

- Comercialización de la música saharaui en el mundo occidental a través de Nubenegra (Madrid, 1998-2011) Resonancias 33, 147-166, 2013.

- Un gwenyambira español en Rhodes University (Sudáfrica): Podrías imaginar un guitarrista sudafricano enseñando flamenco en Andalucia? Sineris (, 2013.

- Mariem Hassan: La participación primordial de la mujer saharaui en la música Haul, Quadrivium 5, 167-174, 2014.

- I play Wassoulou, jeli, Songhay and Tuareg music: Adama Drame in postcolonial Mali, bimusical or multimusical?. El OidoPensante2 (2) (, 2014.

- Azawan: The retention of pre-colonial musical culture and Saharawi nationalism in the refugee camps of the Hamada desert in Algeria. African music 10, 31-51, 2015.

- Music and Islam in the Sahrawi refugee camps of the Hamada desert, Algeria: the practice of medej as a syncretic musical evolution. Muziki 12, 2016(unknown page).

- The Transcultural Representation of Saharawi Music by Mariem Hassan and Nubenegra Records. Popular Music and Society [], 2017

- An ethnomusicological approach to Orientalism: The musical and historical re-enactment of the festivity of the Moors and Christians in Villena. El Oido Pensante 6 (1), 54-72, 2018.

- La bimusicalidad y su continuidad en la etnomusicología: Adaptación de los modos musicales del haul en la música saharaui, Acta Musicologica, 90, no. 2 (2018): 1–18.

- Nubenegra Records and Saharawi Music: A Musical and Social Interaction Beyond Transnationalism, Expressions maghrébines, vol. 17, no. 2, hiver, 1-16, 2018.

- The digital return of ILAM´s Zimbabwean recordings: Revitalisation of the sound
archive through the postcolonial engagement between ILAM and African universities. Archives and records (forthcoming publication).

• Reviews:
- Review: Umm Kulthum: Artistic Agency and the Shaping of an Arab Legend,1967-2007 (L. Lohman, 2010), African music (South Africa) 9 (2), 186-188,2012.
- Review: Hip Hop Africa: New African Music in a Globalizing World (E. Charry, 2012, African music (South Africa), 9 (3), 192-194,2013.

- Review: East African hip hop: Youth culture and globalization (M. Ntarangwi, 2009.African Music, 154-158, 2014(4).

- Review Taarab music in Zanzibar in the twentieth century: A story of ´old is gold´and flying spirit (J. T. Fargion). African Music, 211-214, 2015(1).

- Review Music and social change in South Africa: Maskanda past and present (K.Olsen, 2014). African Music, 214-216, 2015(1).

- Review Bamako sound: The Afropolitan ethics of Malian music (R. T. Skynner,2015). Journal of Asian and African studies, 2016.

- Review African music, power, and being in colonial Zimbabwe (M. Chikowero 2015). Journal of Asian and African studies , 2017.

- Review Staging Ghana: Artistry and nationalism in state dance ensembles (P. Schauert, 2015). African Music, 2017.

- Review The Lost Paradise: Andalusi music in urban North Africa (J. Glasser, 2016). African Music, 2018 (forthcoming).

• Non peer reviewed publications
- Gimenez Amoros L. 2012. Moshito: Conferencia de la industria musical en África (
• Peer Reviewed articles pending publication
- Music, resistance and nationhood in post-Apartheid South Africa (1994-2016): A two case study on post-Marikana music by NUMSA and the anti-eviction people´s movement, Abahlali base mjondolo, Journal of Southern African Studies.

Visual ethnographies
- Los Mares del Desierto: Musica Saharaui. Visualsonora (2006, DVD).
- Adama Drame: Embracing the Malian nation and beyond. ECAVC (2006, DVD).

- Edgar Bera and the revitalisation of southern African mbiras. ECAVC (2016, CD+DVD).

- Numsa and the Post-Marikana present in South Africa through songs. ECAVC (2016, CD+DVD).

- Post-Marikana Choral music with Abahlali Base Mojondolo. ECAVC (2017, CD+DVD).

- Doctoral thesis, 2015: Transnational Habitus: Mariem Hassan as the transcultural representation of the relationship between Saharaui music and Nubenegra records.
- Master thesis, 2012: Haul Music: Transnationalism and musical performance inthe Saharaui refugee camps of Tindouf, Algeria.

My References  

Additional refereneces

  • Lee Watkins(08-Apr-2014)
    HOD Music department at Rhodes University
  • Kirk Helliker(11-Dec-2015)
    Director of the Unit of Zimbabwean Studies where I am a postdoctoral fellow since May 2015
  • Professor Veit Erlmann(22-Aug-2019)

  • Noel Lobley (22-Aug-2019)

  • Jane Taylor(22-Aug-2019)


Additional Information

ENGLISH High level and fluent
SPANISH Mother tongue

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