Professional Profile for Georgios Sidiropoulos

HigherEdSpace Profile

  • Georgios Sidiropoulos




  • R&D Associate
  • Rigas Labs
  • 2009 - Present


  • Panepistimion Ioanninon
  • Greece
    Doctorate, Engineering and Applied Sciences
    2002 - 2006

My Publications

1. “An efficient hardware design for rejecting common mode in a group of adjacent channels of silicon microstrip sensors used in high energy physics experiments”.
N. Manthos, G.Sidiropoulos, P.Vichoudis
Real Time Conference, 2005. 14th IEEE-NPSS
June 4-10, 2005 Page(s):436 – 440
Published in IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 53 1045.
2. “A VME-Based Readout System for the CMS Preshower Sub Detector”
G.Antchev, D.Barney, W.Bialas, J.C.Da Sivla, P. Kokkas, N.Manthos, S.Reynaud, G.Sidiropoulos, W.Snoeys, P.Vichoudis
Published in IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 54 623.
3. “Implementation of on-line data reduction algorithms in the CMS Endcap Preshower Data Concentrator Card”
D.Barney, W.Bialas, P.Kokkas, N.Manthos, S.Reynaud, G.Sidiropoulos, P.Vichoudis
Published in JINST 2 P03001 journal of Instrumentation, 2007 IOP/SISSA
4. “Results of the First Performance Tests of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter”.
The CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter Group
Published in Eur. Phys. J. C 44, s02, 1–10 (2006)
5. “The CMS experiment at the CERN LHC”
The CMS Collaboration
Published in JINST 3 S08004 journal of Instrumentation, 2008 IOP/SISSA
6. “First Results of the Performance of the CMS Global Calorimeter Trigger”
C.Foudas, G.Iles, J.Jones, A.Rose, M.Stettler, G.Sidiropoulos, A.Tapper, J.Brooke, R.Frazier, G.Heath
TWEPP-07 Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics
7. “Commissioning and performance of the CMS Global Calorimeter Trigger”
Tapper, A. Brooke, J. Foudas, C. Frazier, R. Hansen, M. Heath, G. Iles, G. Marrouche, J. Rose, A. Sidiropoulos, G. Stettler, M.
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2008. NSS '08.
8. “A Programmable Trigger Emulator Based on True Random Bits”
N.Manthos, G.Sidiropoulos, P.Vichoudis
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2006 Vol.1, 29 Oct 2006 - 1 Nov 2006, 510.
9. “PACE3: a Large Dynamic Range Analog Memory Front-End ASIC Assembly for the Charge Readout of Silicon Sensors”.
P. Aspell, D.Barney, W.Bialas, P.Bloch, M.Dupanloup, A.Go, K.Kloukinas, N.Manthos, D.Moraes, Q.Morrissey, A.Peisert,, S.Reynaud, G.Sidiropoulos, A.Tcheremoukhin, P.Vichoudis
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2005 Vol.2, 23-29 Oct. 2005, 904.
10. “Production Testing and Quality Assurance of the CMS Preshower Front-end Chips - PACE3”.
P.Aspell, D.Barney, Y.Beaumont, W.Bialas, I.Evangelou, A.Go, P.Kokkas, N.Manthos, I.Papadopoulos, A.Peisert, S.Reynaud, G.Sidiropoulos, A.Tcheremoukhin, F.Triantis, P.Vichoudis
Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on electronics for LHC and future experiments, Valencia (2005), CERN-LHCC-2005-038 (2005), 182.
11. “A flexible stand-alone testbench for facilitating system tests of the CMS Preshower”.
P.Vichoudis, S.Reynaud, D.Barney, W.Bialas, A.Go, G.Sidiropoulos, Y.Beaumont, J.Domeniconi
10th Workshop on Electronics for LHC and future Experiments, September 13-17, 2004

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