Professional Profile for Elena Cecilia Rosca

HigherEdSpace Profile

  • Elena Cecilia Rosca




  • Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie 'Victor Babes' din Timisoara
  • 2005 - Present


  • Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie 'Victor Babes' din Timisoara
  • Romania
    Doctorate, Medical Professions and Sciences
    2005 - 2009

Honors and Awards

Scholarships, fellowships, grants:
• 2009 Bursary for participation in the 13th Congress of the EFNS (European Federation of Neurological Societies), Florence, September 12-15, 2009.
• 2008 ENS (European Neurological Society) Young Neurologists in Training grant.
• 2008 EFNS (European Federation of Neurological Societies) Department to Department Cooperation Programme grant - RWTH Aachen University Clinic, Section Neuropsychology.
• 2007 Oxford Colleges Hospitality Scheme

Memberships and Affiliations

• 2007 - present Member of Romanian Society of Neurology (SNR)
• 2007 - present Member of European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS)
• 2008 - present Member of European Association of Young Neurologists and Trainees (EAYNT)

My Publications

Rosca EC. The arithmetic – a neuropsychological perspective. Artpress, Timisoara 2009 (book in Romanian).
Rosca EC. Arithmetic procedural knowledge: a cortico – subcortical circuit. Brain Research 2009; 1302: 148-156.
Rosca E.C. A case of acalculia due to impaired procedural knowledge. Neurological Sciences 2009; 30(2): 163-170.
Rosca EC, Rosca O, Negrutiu L, Simu M, Marincu I. Dementia and neurocognitive disorders due to HIV infection. Timisoara Medical Journal (in press).
Rosca EC, Simu M, Chirileanu RD, Bednar M, Rosca O. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. Romanian Journal of Neurology 2008; VII(4): 131-137.
Simu M, Rosca EC, Chirileanu RD, Barsasteanu F. Ischemic stroke in systemic lupus erithematosus – a case report. Romanian Journal of Neurology 2008; VII(3): -121-123.
Simu M, Puscasiu T, Rosca EC, Herman E, DuÅŸe C. Anterior spinal artery infarct. Romanian Journal of Neurology 2008; VII(1): 37.
Chirileanu RD, Simu M, Reisz D, Rosca C, Males S, Tocai R. Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) – current relevance of the concept. Romanian Journal of Neurology 2008; VII(3): 90-96.
Chirileanu RD, Simu M, Reisz D, Rosca C, Males S, Tocai R. Neuropatic pain, clinical and management aspects. Romanian Journal of Neurology 2008; VII(3): 97-100.
Simu M, Rosca EC, Reisz D. Thyroid myopathy – a case study. Timisoara Medical Journal 2008; 58 (1-2): 67-69.
Simu M, Rosca EC, Chirileanu RD. Pathogenic mechanisms of HIV-1 encephalitis. Romanian Journal of Neurology 2007; VI (4): 166-170.
Simu M, Rosca EC, Puscasiu T. Herpes simplex encephalitis. Romanian Journal of Neurology 2007; VI (4): 189-190.
Simu M, Rosca EC, Chirileanu RD. Neurosyphilis – a case study. Timisoara Medical Journal 2007; 57(2-3): 157-162.
Rosca EC. The Gerstmann Syndrome – a review of literature. Timisoara Medical Journal 2007; 57 (2-3): 175-179.
Zolog A, Rosca EC. The neurologic - biosemiotic and semiotic semiology of the language. Neurologia Medico-Chirurgicala 2007; X(1): 28-30.
Rosca EC. Acalculia – a synthesis of actual data. Neurologia Medico-Chirurgicala 2007; X (1): 6-13.
Rosca EC, Rosca O, Negrutiu L. AIDS Dementia Complex. Romanian Journal of Infectious Diseases 2006; IX(1-2): 31-36.
Manea M, Nedela S, Rosca EC, Lupu C. The retrospection of using the botulinum toxin in muscular spasticity and dystonia on children and adolescents between 2000-2005 (in Romanian). Revista Societatii de Neurologie si Psihiatrie a Copilului si Adolescentului din Romania 2006; 1: 69-75.
Zolog A, Reisz D, Rosca EC, Common and different pathways in language processing versus arithmetical processing. Cercetari experimentale medico-chirurgicale 2005; suppl. 1: 47-48 (abstract).

Additional Information

Professional Experience:
• 2005 – present - Teaching Assistant – University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes” Timisoara, Department of Neurology
• 2005 – present - Resident in Neurology – Clinical Emergency County Hospital Timisoara, Department of Neurology
• 2005 – 2009 - PhD Student – University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes” Timisoara
Title of doctoral thesis: “The anatomo-physiology of normal and impaired arithmetic abilities in relation with praxo-gnosic and language disturbances”
Supervisor: Professor Zolog Alexandru, MD, PhD.
• 2003-2004 - Medical Doctor – Hospital “Louis Turcanu” Timisoara
RoÅŸca EC, Simu M, Chirileanu RD. How many words do we need to calculate? A case study of severe aphasia with widely preserved arithmetic abilities. The 13th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies, Florence, 2009 (poster).
Roşca O, Roşca EC, Pop M, Negrutiu L. Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy – a case report. HIV DART 2008, Puerto Rico, December 9-12, 2008 (poster).
Chirileanu RD, Simu M, Reisz D, Tamasan S, Popa R, Males S, Sendroiu I, Cirlig C, Rosca C. Executive dysfunction in vascular subcortical dementia. The 6th World Stroke Congress, Vienna, September 24-27, 2008 (poster).
Chirileanu RD, Simu M, Reisz D, RoÅŸca C, Sendroiu I, Males S, Carlig C, Tudor R. Early diagnosis signs in frontotemporal dementia syndroms. The 12th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies, Madrid 2008 (poster)
RoÅŸca EC, Zolog A, Simu M. Calculating without words: a case of severe aphasia with remarkable arithmetical skills. The 40th International Danube Symposium in conjunction with The 6th Congress of the Romanian Society of Neurology, Sinaia, 2008 (poster).
Simu M, Chirileanu RD, Reisz D, Roşca C, Bednar M, Murariu A, Berkesch D. Mepivacaine subcutaneous infiltrations in acute migraine treatment – an observational study. The 40th International Danube Symposium in conjunction with The 6th Congress of the Romanian Society of Neurology, Sinaia, 2008 (poster).
RoÅŸca EC, Simu M. Thalamic Gerstmann syndrome or diaschisis? The 18th Meeting of European Neurological Society, Nice 2008 (poster).
Chirileanu RD, Simu M, Reisz D, Popa R, Tudor R, Cîrlig C, Roşca C. Cognitive dysfunction after lacunar infarcts. The 18th Meeting of European Neurological Society, Nice 2008 (poster).
Roşca EC, Roşca O, Negruţiu L, Simu M, Marincu I. Dementia and neurocognitive disorders due to HIV infection. National Conference of Infectious Diseases, Timişoara, 2007 (presentation).
Roşca EC. Acalculia following a subcortical lesion. NUMBRA (Marie Curie Research Training Network) – Summer School on Numeracy and Brain Development, 2007 (poster).
Simu MA, Chirileanu RD, Reisz D, Popa R, Bednar M, Murariu A, Lata I, Suici M, RoÅŸca C. Anosognosia evaluation in non-dominant hemisphere infarcts. Clinical and prognostic value. The 10-th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies, Glasgow, UK, 2006 (poster).
Roşca EC, Roşca O. Cysticercosis Cerebralis – A Case Study. National Conference of Infectious Diseases, Timişoara 2005 (poster).

Ad-hoc referee work for scientific journals / conferences:
• Neurocase
• CogSci 2009 - the annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society for basic and applied cognitive science research.
• Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry

• English – advanced
• Spanish – advanced
• French – medium
• Italian – medium
• Ukrainian – medium

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