Professional Profile for Osayed Abu-Elyazeed

HigherEdSpace Profile

  • Osayed Abu-Elyazeed



About Me (Summary)

I would like to introduce myself; I am an Egyptian researcher currently work as a lecturer in Faculty of Engineering at Mataria, University of Helwan, Cairo, Egypt.
However, I had started a research programme at 1995 that was concerning about synthesizing bio-fuels from jojoba raw oil. At 2003 there were two types of bio-fuels were synthesized from jojoba raw oil in the laboratory. The first one is novel volatile that is suitable for fueling the spark ignition engines. Such fuel can be termed as jojoba bio-gasoline and the chemical composition of such novel fuel is estimated using IR spectrometry, NMR and MASS spectrum while, the second one is suitable for fueling the compression ignition engines. That can be termed as jojoba bio-diesel.
Knowing that, the novel jojoba bio-gasoline is not known worldwide.
Noting that, the jojoba bio-gasoline can be used as missiles fuel or fuel additive.


  • Dr
  • Helwan University Cairo
  • 1996 - Present
  • Research Assistant, Teaching Assistant and Assistant of Super Visors of Graduate Projects all of internal combustion engines laboratory.


  • Helwan University Cairo
  • Egypt
    Doctorate, Engineering and Applied Sciences
    2002 - 2009

My Statement

The jojoba bio-gasoline will be ready to be applicable by the end of 2008 by publishing the Ph.D thesis under the title "Performance, Abnormal Combustion and Emissions of Jojoba Bio-Gasoline and its Blends with Gasoline in Spark Ignition Engines".
At 2005 O.S.M. Abu-Elyazeed was awarded by the British council in Cairo a grant of LE.10,000 to partially contribute the research costs of such Ph.D.
While the bi-product can be termed as waxy cream from synthesizing of the two types of bio-fuels are about 20% of the total amounts of reactants can be used in cosmetic industries and was successfully tested by local and commercial hair care centers.

Honors and Awards

Award from the British Council in Egypt, which partially contributes in assisting to finish the research of the Ph.D. “Performance, Abnormal Combustion and Emissions of Jojoba Bio-Gasoline and its Blends with Gasoline in Spark Ignition Engine” was presented by Her Britannic Majesty’s Ambassador, Sir Derek Plumbly, at the British Embassy, Cairo.
On Sunday 13/11/2005

My Publications

Abu-Elyazeed OSM. “Measurement of Laminar Burning Velocity of Jojoba Methyl Ester”, MSc presentation, Faculty of Engineering at Mataria, University of Helwan, October 2001.
Abu-Elyazeed OSM. “Measurement of Laminar Burning Velocity of Jojoba Methyl Ester”, MSc thesis, Faculty of Engineering at Mataria, University of Helwan, October 2001.
Radwan MS, Ismail MA, Elfeky SMS, Abu-Elyazeed OSM. “Preparation, characteristics and laminar burning velocity of jojoba methyl ester”, submitted to Engineering Research Journal, Helwan University, Egypt, October 2002.
Abu-Elyazeed OSM. “Performance, Abnormal Combustion and Emissions of Jojoba Bio-Gasoline and its Blends with Gasoline in Spark Ignition Engine”, PhD presentation, Faculty of Engineering at Mataria, University of Helwan, May 2009.
Abu-Elyazeed OSM. “Performance, Abnormal Combustion and Emissions of Jojoba Bio-Gasoline and its Blends with Gasoline in Spark Ignition Engine”, PhD thesis, Faculty of Engineering at Mataria, University of Helwan, May 2009.
Radwan MS, Megalaa KF, Elfeky SMS, Abu-Elyazeed OSM. “An Investigation on Abnormal Combustion, Emissions and Performance of Jojoba Bio-Gasoline and Its Blends with gasoline in Spark Ignition Engines”, To be Published in 2009.

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