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  • Choosing your college with care
  • Submitted by Scott on 2010-01-13
  • Choosing your college with care
    By Staff Writer

    Picking a college is more than just about the academic scores or the courses offered by colleges, extra-curricular activities, college rankings or if the institute is an Ivy League. Unfortunately most students are under this misconception when what they should be really thinking about is whether the college suits them and not the other way around. The idea is that the institute chosen must have the right atmosphere where the student can learn and thrive.

    If you are in junior high, the question of which college to join is probably the biggest issue in your mind. Here are a few things to think about while seeking the best college for you:

    •    Know yourself – There is a college for every student in the United States. To find what is suitable for you, understand how you are as a student and as a person.

    •    Trust your instincts – Call it intuition or gut feel, but these internal instincts are responsible many a time to make the right decisions. Trust it and do your research as well to come up with the right answers.

    •    Values and Culture – Being in college is like being in a family or community. You need to look for an institution whose culture and values mirror your own. Are you big on tradition or do you reject it? Do you prefer to an overtly religious college or one which is secular? Answering these questions will help narrow down the field.

    •    A little bit everyday – Finding a college is not an overnight process. It is very time consuming and often can get overwhelming. Take it one step at a time and do a little bit of research everyday to take your search along in a structured manner.

    •    Ask for help – While this decision impacts you largely, it doesn’t mean you have to go it alone. As your parents, friends, school counselors and admissions officers for their advice and help. They are concerned about your welfare and will help out however they can.

    •    Combating uncertainty – It is understandable to feel uneasy or even fearful at the whole process of college hunting. Doubts may arise about performance, scores, creativity and athleticism but remember no one is perfect and there is a college out there that is just right for you.

    •    Avoid advice from friends – It was found in a recent survey that than 2/3rd of the student population takes advice and bases their college admission decisions on the advice of friends. This is not the best way to go about things. Your parent and scholastic advisors know better and you should consider their opinion in making a choice.

    Lastly remember to be proud of who you are. There plenty of good colleges in the country but most of them will not necessarily be the one for you. It is your responsibility to your family, friends and most importantly to yourself to achieve and contribute to society in the best way you can. Find a college which you love and which will love you back.
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