Grad Schools:  

  Physical Sciences >> Atmospheric Sciences

Grad School / Program:

  • The Graduate Program in Atmospheric Sciences

  • Contact:
  • 2122A Snee Hall
    Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
    Cornell University
    Ithaca, NY 14853
    United States
    Phone: 607-255-3034

  • Degrees Granted:
  • Masters, Doctorate

  • Programs offered:
  • On-campus, Online
  • Sponsored Links

  • Description:
  • The Graduate Program in Atmospheric Sciences at Cornell is a relatively small, high quality program. Faculty members do not have large numbers of graduate students, and this provides students with the opportunity to work closely with their advisor. This individual attention is combined with the advantages of a large and diverse research university, and the beautiful, livable environment of Ithaca.

    The Graduate Field of Atmospheric Sciences offers full financial support, including tuition, stipend, and health insurance, to all students accepted into our program. This means that we sometimes must decline applications from students who are very well qualified, but for whom we cannot identify support because the students interests are not a good match for our research programs. We offer Research Assistantships through either the department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences or through an individual faculty members grant, and Teaching Assistantships through the department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. In addition, we award a Cornell University Graduate School fellowship each year to an incoming Ph.D. or M.S./Ph.D student. Prospective and continuing graduate students are encouraged to apply for full or partial funding from NSF, NASA, AMS, NOAA, and other agencies that offer fellowships and scholarships in Atmospheric Science.

  • Admission Information:
  • All graduate degree programs in the Graduate Field of Applicants for admission to the Graduate School should hold a baccalaureate degree granted by a faculty or university of recognized standing or have completed a degree or diploma program equivalent to the baccalaureate degree program at Cornell, have adequate preparation for graduate study in the chosen Field, present evidence of promise in advanced study and research; and have a minimum combined score of 1,200 in the verbal and quantitative aptitude tests of the Graduate Record Examinations (G.R.E.).

    The Field of Atmospheric Science offers Master of Science (M.S.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees. Students may apply for admission to the M.S., M.S./Ph.D., or Ph.D. programs. Students at the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) level may apply for direct admission to the Ph.D. program only if they have had exceptional preparation or professional experience in their areas of interest.

  • Additional Information:
  • All graduate degree programs in the Graduate Field of Atmospheric Sciences are individualized to suit students' interests, backgrounds, and goals. Students must, however, satisfy certain university and Field requirements, either through prior work at another institution or through work at Cornell. Each student works closely with a Major Professor and a graduate Special Committee. This group of faculty members determines the degree requirements consistent with each student's training and academic goals.

    M.S. degree

    In applying, indicate your intent to stop graduate studies after the M.S. degree by choosing the "M.S." option on the Cornell Graduate School application, or your intent to continue on to the Ph.D. after the M.S. by choosing the "M.S./Ph.D." option. Students must earn two units of residence credit, and complete one minor. One residency unit is granted for each satisfactory semester of full-time study. Students must pass the M.S. defense exam, and submit a thesis acceptable to the student's Special Committee and to the Graduate School. (Please see the Cornell Graduate School web site for more detailed information, including time limits imposed on forming committees, taking exams, and completing the degree.)

    Ph.D. degree

    Other than in exceptional cases, an M.S. degree in atmospheric science, meteorology, or another science or engineering field is prerequisite for the Ph.D. degree. A student intending to earn both the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees should apply under the category "MS/PhD" on the Cornell Graduate School application. Students must earn six units of residence credit, and complete two minors, for the Ph.D. One residency unit is granted for each satisfactory semester of full-time study. Students must pass an "A exam" to attain Ph.D. candidacy, and a "B exam" to defend their Ph.D. thesis. Some faculty members in the Field also require that students pass an oral "Q exam" that tests their basic knowledge of Atmospheric Science. Students must also submit a thesis acceptable to the student's Special Committee and to the Graduate School. Often, but not always, Ph.D. theses in our Field take advantage of the "three paper option" for the thesis. (Please see the Cornell Graduate School web site for more detailed information.)

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