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Higher Education Portals
There are plenty of higher education communities who are always on a lookout for social networking sites. There are plenty of them these days. Social networking....

Jan R
Losing the essence of education
Higher education first faced a threat from the after school coaching classes and tuitions. Students thought it was ok to bunk school and attend classes instead.....

Jan R
Teaching on the web with Web 2.0 tools
With the advent of computers, the virtual web has taken over the world. It has permeated into every nook and cranny of the world. Hence schools are not far behind.....

Jan R
Sudden vacation drives children crazy
Vacations of any kind are always welcome. Everyone looks forward to having a peaceful day without thinking of any work sometime or the other. Well, let says that....

Teaching children behind the closed doors of their homes
Home schooling was an attractive option for parents but now has become a trend. Many parents are opting for home school options for their children instead of sending....

Taking away the knowledge bank
Everyone looks forward to their retirement plans but the teachers across USA are in for a bit of a shock. Retirement plans and funds are now being frozen by the....

Grace W
Living hand to mouth
 With the economic slow down, the lawyers, bankers and journalists all over the country have accepted the cut in pay and are going without raises to stay employed....

Grace W
Farming a new trend
What does one do after graduation? Search for jobs of course, and then the hunt for the cozy apartment begins. The new bees will happily cramp in with five other....

Grace W
Recession over retirement plans
Recession has come to the schools and the universities. Everyone is trying to save what they have and what they can. In a recent article in the New York Times, The....

Jamie K
Milking trouble in schools
Are you very impressed with Sean Penn’s Oscar winning role as Harvey Milk in the film Milk? If so, then you better be very careful. The Civil rights union....


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