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Education in a limbo…
Many of us are quietly questioning the fact that whether or not the cuts in the education sphere are going to help our current generation or not? Frankly most parents....

Imparting the right values
We all know that the American President Barrack Obama is a person most of us look up to. He has a commendable following especially amongst the youth. Both the President....

Take your pet along with you!
Colleges and universities have always tried to make sure that their students feel at home when they go there to study. Hence, dorm rooms practically become the student’s....

Employers helping employees seek education
We know for a fact that education empowers us. Whatever we might choose to study, even though we may take up different vocations later, we can always safely say....

Health is the key to a better future
Recently the First lady of America, Michael Obama, launched a nation wide campaign to fight obesity in schools. To implement this initiative, she along with the....

Public vs. Private schools
Recession has affected us all big time. The current situation across America is often being compared to the Great Depression of the 1930s. Although news mongers....

What is the burden of loan in front of a lucrative career?
Higher education or rather college education adds value to your resume. It lands you better opportunities and opens up many windows as well. Therefore, our parents....

Charter Schools: Double the Number in the Next Four Years
Now that the New York Assembly has voted for doubling the numbers of charter schools, it seems like there is hope for the state to receive its federal grant sum....

No teachers no education
Imagine a school without good teachers? It would be a disaster for sure. But there is tension in the air where school teachers are concerned currently. Apparently....

From boring to quirky: new t-shirt designs for Ohio college
Remember the boring designs on your college sweat shirts? The ones you totally wanted to get rid off? When in college, we have a sense of belonging to the place.....


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